武汉 [切换城市] 武汉招聘


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:汽车及零配件


VIDOUKIN is an engineering company with a globally competitive presence. Our business started in 2003 providing customers flexible and customized technical assistance. With years’ business focusing in automotive, energy, semiconductor and aeronautics, VIDOUKIN develops its core competitiveness of providing customers with the right solutions for their problems.
The experts at VIDOUKIN have a wide range of skills and expertise: engineering in terms of process/product, sourcing, electronics and quality control as well as innovation consultancy.
Building on many years of experience of our employees, including many years in China, technical assistance we offer depends on the requirements and aspirations of our customers in modules of Technical assistance, Project teams and Turn key projects
Resources in the local market and our goal of helping customers achieving success make VIDOUKIN a major player and choice of both manufacturers and suppliers.


  • Email:info@vidoukin.com
  • 公司地址:地址:span上海


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
EMC工程师 上海 2019-03-25 2人
燃油系统工程师 上海 2019-02-24 2人
总装工艺工程师 深圳 2017-07-10 1人
销售经理 武汉 2017-07-07 若干人
涂装工程师 深圳 2017-07-04 2人
内饰主管工程师 宁波 2017-06-28 1人
设计工程师 上海 2017-06-25 若干人
EMDQ工程师 上海 2017-06-22 若干人
铸造供应商质量管理专家 北京 2017-06-21 若干人
焊接SE工程师 广州 2017-06-15 1人
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