东莞 [切换城市] 东莞招聘


  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:外企代表处
  • 公司行业:机械/设备/重工


RONDO(瑞士龙都)-- 专业进行面团处理和成形








RONDO – sheeting and shaping dough is what we do.

For 70 years we have been developing and producing high-quality machines and systems for the production of pastry of all types. As a Swiss company, we are fully aware of just how important quality, innovation and reliability really are. "Dough-how" is the term we coined for our unique combination of know-how and experience in dough processing, and today it is appreciated by thousands of producers all over the world, from small artisanal bakeries all the way up to big industrial producers.

Join the community of bakers who rely on RONDO and on RONDO dough-how.

RONDO. Dough-how & more.
Our "Dough-how & more" claim comes straight from our company concept. "Dough-how" stands for the unique combination of expert knowledge and experience in dough and technology that characterises RONDO. "& more" is a reference to the extra effort we put into serving your high expectations and meeting your challenging needs. Because along with the optimum technical solution we also offer our dough-how services. Our dough-how specialists will be happy to help you optimise processes and develop new recipes and products.

The RONDO Group consists of the parent company in Burgdorf, seven subsidiaries and three sales offices. We employ more than 400 people worldwide in over 10 branches. More than 95 % of the machines and installations we manufacture are for export – to countries all over the world.


  • 公司地址:地址:span黄埔大道东983号广州国际港航中心


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
服务工程师/Service Engineer 广州-黄埔区 2020-10-16 1人
工程师/Engineer 广州-黄埔区 2020-10-14 1人
Marketing&Sales Manager/市场&销售经理 广州 2017-02-22 1人
工程师 广州 2016-09-17 若干人
食品设备维修工程师 东莞 2014-08-17 2