扬州 [切换城市] 扬州招聘扬州咨询/顾问招聘扬州专业顾问招聘

课程顾问(江都)Course Consultant


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:教育/培训/院校


  • 发布日期:2017-04-11
  • 工作地点:扬州
  • 招聘人数:6人
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:7-8.9千/月
  • 职位类别:专业顾问  


1. 负责接待到访学生及家长
Be in charge of receiving visiting students and parents.
2. 向学生及家长介绍本中心课程
Introduce the courses of the centre to students and parents.
3. 根据学生情况,制定个性化的学习方案
Make study plans for students according to their personal situations.
4. 协助校方管理,跟踪学生学习情况
Assist the school with the management and trace the study of students.
5. 协助教学部安排学生课程
Assist the Teaching Department with arrangements of students’ courses.
6. 协助处理学生其他事宜
Assist in dealing with other matters concerning students.
7. 课程顾问有自己的单独咨询办公室,不需出外勤
Each Course Consultant has one single office and no outdoor work is required.

岗位要求:Post Requirements:
1. 大专以上学历,形象气质佳,有亲和力。
College Diploma or above, fairly good-looking, easy-going and appealing.
2. 具有较强的语言表达能力,学习能力,思维具有较强的逻辑性。
Possess relatively strong capabilities of language expression and study. Possess relatively good logicality.
3. 为人豁达,主动,开朗,具有挑战自我,承受压力的能力。
Open-minded, active and extroverted. Possess the abilities of challenging yourself and bearing pressure.
4. 对生活有足够的激情,热爱销售工作,愿意挑战高薪。
Possess enough passion for life, be enthusiastic about sales work and willing to take the challenge of a higher income.
5. 热爱英语教育事业,认可企业价值观,愿意与企业共成长。
Possess enthusiasm for education, accept the enterprise values and hope to grow together with the company.
6. 如果你还有其他方面的优异能力,我们会酌情适当放宽要求
If you have other outstanding capabilities, we will also take into consideration accordingly.

加入我们团队,所享有的福利 Come to join our team.
1. 严格执行《劳动法》所缴纳的五险一金。
We strictly implement the "Labour Law" and the employees get insurances.
2. 工作日,学校提供餐费补贴,解决员工日常的后顾之忧。
We provide our employees with meal allowances.
3. 完善的内部培训机制,为每一位加入团队的新成员增强核心竞争力。
We provide our employees with perfect internal training mechanism in order to enhance core competitiveness, especially for the new members.
4. 每年两次的春,秋季旅游,亲近大自然,放飞心灵。
We provide our employees with spring and autumn travels every year.
5. 年度优秀员工,更有出国游学考察的机会
We provide the excellent employees of the year with opportunity to travel abroad.
6. 每年重要节日,端午,中秋,春节,三八妇女节,教师节,学校会为大家发放具有节日特色且丰厚的礼品。
During important festivals, including Dragon-boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, the Spring Festival, Women's Day, Teachers' Day, we distribute a wide range of gifts to every employee.
7. 员工生日会,学校会为每位员工举行温馨而精致的生日party,并奉上生日特别津贴。
We hold a short and sweet party to celebrate each employee's birthday, and deliver birthday allowance.
8. 定期举行潮流资讯分享会,如:签证移民资讯,出国旅游攻略,奢侈品选购,着装色彩搭配,古玩玉器鉴赏,汽车维修保养等。
We hold sharing session regularly, such as immigration information, traveling strategy, luxury products, fashion and clothing, artwork appreciation, car maintenance, etc.
9. 在职正式员工,可免费听取学校课程。
We provide in-service staff with free training sessions.
10. 员工子女入学可享有补助津贴。
We provide the children of the employees with subsidies.
11. 完善的管理晋升机制与学术等级评定机制
We follow the well-organized management mechanism and academic rating promotion mechanism.
12. 良好的工作环境和极富激情的团队氛围
We provide good working environment and we have built an enthusiastic team.
13. 每年享受带薪年假和法定节假日
Employees have paid holidays as well as public holidays every year.

Anyone who is interested, please send your resume to: hr.zp@yzielts.com

Yangzhou Global Ielts Official Website: http://yangzhou.gedu.org

职能类别: 专业顾问

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环球雅思创于1997年,2001年成立环球雅思学校,2006年9月获得软银赛富数亿投资组成环球天下教育科技集团global education & technology group,并计划于2009年在美国纽约交易所上市。环球雅思拥有在国内外60多个城市从事外语和职业教育培训的连锁学校、从事出国咨询的环球精英移民公司和五湖中视留学公司2家国家特许资质单位及几十个城市下属的环球雅思留学服务中心、一所容纳千人的环球国际预科学校、从事图书教材出版的环球文化公司、从事教学研发的环球教学委员会itc、从事教育传媒的环球百年公司、从事教育图文设计的环球美景公司等数十家专业机构。作为国内最大的连锁外语培训机构,被评为全国十大知名学校,荣膺2006中国最具影响力培训机构,为中国民办教育创新做出了巨大贡献。
海外考试中心——现代广场校区,注重海外考试的研究学习,校区内开设雅思类各种课程,托福类各种课程、北美系列课程sat、ssat,英澳系列课程a-level、aeas,海外预备趣味课(以雅思考试的基础原著为蓝本,如national grographic、financial times、arts management等),外教考官模拟课等。环球雅思海外考试中心,不仅仅是应试学习的场所,更是海外学习能力提升的殿堂,为帮助学员扩展知识量顺利通过海外考试,同时更好的适应国外学习生活。


  • Email:hr.zp@yzielts.com
  • 公司地址:上班地址:文汇西路157号现代广场B座一层; 文昌西路56号公元国际大厦一层