宜昌 [切换城市] 宜昌招聘宜昌销售管理招聘宜昌销售经理招聘



  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:医疗/护理/卫生


  • 发布日期:2013-05-14
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 招聘人数:4
  • 工作经验:五年以上
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语良好
  • 职位类别:其他  销售经理


工作描述: 市场拓展经理-心血管产品

1 生命科学,工商管理或市场营销专业,本科及以上学历。
2 至少5到10年从事临床研究、诊断、生物制药或医疗行业相关销售、市场管理或商业开发工作经验
3 能够分析潜在客户的需求,整合信息形成销售策略
4 良好的演示和沟通技巧
5 持续跟踪当前生命科学领域产品开发及技术进步趋势,能够与客户进行沟通
6 能独立完成工作

1 负责在指定区域内识别、开发并持续跟踪心脏病和疾病管理领域的医生和组织信息。
2 负责识别潜在用户,通过积极参加会议或进行产品演示活动,促进对公司服务的兴趣
3 快速响应客户服务请求,与现有客户紧密合作,促成重复销售。
5 维护客户关系,完成一系列活动,包括:
- 动态响应市场变化
- 使用战略性的、顾问式销售方法,寻求双赢机会,完成交易
- 利用专业技术知识输出解决方案,并评估风险
- 制定产品定位文档,向制药业客户或伙伴伙伴进行演示
- 与公司团队的其他成员按需交流信息,形成技术资料,协助完成交易
- 协调公司及合作方的技术和运营团队,与公司法务团队合作,完成合同谈判
- 进行预算控制,每月汇报费用情况

1 优秀的跨职能团队工作技巧
2 始终如一的展现积极乐观、耐心的态度
3 做事有条理、注重细节
4 结果和目标导向
5 优秀的文字表达和口头交流技巧
6 能够在快速多变的环境下工作,能够灵活快速的调整工作重心
7 有效的个人沟通技巧,能够通过良好的培训技巧分享知识
8 为人正直有很强的职业道德感
9 注重质量

Job Description: Business Development Manager – Cardiovascular

The Business Development Manager - Cardiovascular is responsible for business development, including both marketing and sales, of the Kindstar’s comprehensive cardiovascular tests as part of its CLIA testing services to physicians and medical groups specializing in cardiology and disease management specialties in a broad territory to be determined. The position requires daily travel.

? B.Sc. in Life Sciences, Business, or Marketing.
? A minimum of five to ten years relevant sales/marketing and/or business development experience in the clinical research, diagnostics, biopharmaceutical, or healthcare industries.
? Ability to profile the needs and preferences of prospective clients and integrate this information into selling strategy.
? Strong presentation skills.
? Aptitude and interest to stay current on advances in product development and trends in the life science industry, and leverage this knowledge in communicating with clients.
? Able to work independently, without instruction.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
? Take the lead in identifying, developing, and driving leads with physicians and medical groups specializing in cardiology and disease management specialties in the assigned territory.
? Take ownership of the process of lead identification and prospecting, and generating interest in Kindstar’s capabilities, including actively seeking and conducting meetings and presentations with potential clients and partners.
? Respond to requests for proposals, working closely with assigned current clients in securing repeat business.
? Ethically promote Kindstar and our cooperator’s name within the industry, both in developing and executing strategies in support of this effort.
? Leverage customer relationships and engage in a broad range of activities, including:
? Adjusting to dynamic changes in the marketplace that force us to change quickly;
? Using strategic, consultative selling to propose win-win opportunities and close deals; and
? Using technical knowledge to develop solutions and assess risks.
? Develop positioning documents and presentations, to potential Pharma customers and partners.
? Interact with other members of the Kindstar team to exchange information, generate technical documents, and assist with deal closure as needed.
? Coordinate with Kindstart and our cooperator’s technical and operation teams, and interact with the Kindstar legal team in the contract negotiation process.
? Manage leads to closure.
? Manage expenses to stay in budget and reported no less than monthly

Personal Characteristics:
? Excellent cross-functional team participation skills.
? Consistently displays a positive, patient attitude and extends respect and courtesy toward Supervisors and peers alike.
? Highly organized and detail-oriented.
? Results and goals oriented.
? Excellent written and oral communications.
? Ability to work in a fast-paced and changing environment; flexible and quickly adaptable to changing priorities.
? Effective personal communication skills, shares knowledge with excellent training skills.
? Having integrity and a strong work ethic.
? Passionate for both personal and corporate success.
? Ability to work independently with minimal supervision and as a member of a team.
? Commitment to quality.
? Enthusiasm, attention to detail, the ability to meet aggressive deadlines, and ability to work effectively with others in a fast paced, highly-productive environment.


康圣环球医学特检集团(以下简称“康圣环球”)是中国大型高端医学专科特检服务检验集团,致力于引领中国专科特检技术和服务的进步,以促进中国专科诊疗和个性化医学的发展和提高。本着病人利益至上、医生需求***的宗旨,康圣环球遵循国际规范、标准和行业指南,引进和研发世界上***的技术和专科特检方法,面向中国大型三级医院、专科医院和综合性医院提供全面、先进和准确的专科特检服务。集团创业和管理团队核心成员均在美国学术和产业界工作十年以上,视野广阔, 经验丰富。集团得到了世界上最著名和***的创投基金凯鹏华盈(KPCB)、晨兴创投、中经合、贝雅等几千万美元的资本支持。并在2011年6月27日 ,美国梅奥医学中心(Mayo Clinic)宣布与中国康圣环球医学特检集团正式签署一项长达六年的战略合作协议,梅奥向康圣环球注资,通过其医学检验与病理学部及其旗下的梅奥医学实验室,为康圣环球提供近3000项专业检测技术及实验室质量管理,国际认证标准、信息咨询、标准操作程序(SOPs)和方法学等相关技术,协助康圣环球加速发展其在中国的高品质特检服务,促进中国医学诊断和治疗水平的提高。




  • 公司地址:高新大道666号光谷生物城