宜昌 [切换城市] 宜昌招聘宜昌市场/营销招聘宜昌市场/营销/拓展经理招聘

TMKT manager-eCom


  • 公司规模:150-500人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)


  • 发布日期:2021-01-08
  • 工作地点:上海-浦东新区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:5-7年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位类别:市场/营销/拓展经理


Role and Responsibility:

1.     Planning

? Annual Planning- To assist Sales Leaders & Trade Marketing Manager to formulate ABP’s (Annual Business Plan) OGST (from key issues identification, to key objectives/goals and strategy/tactic development.

? Product Portfolio Review: To rationalize power SKU by key platform.

? Define invoice pricing for different sub-channels.

? EDLP and HiLo platform strategy: Suggested retail pricing and promotion pricing balancing.

? N+2+2: Platform plans consolidation and synchronize with marketing plan; lead N+2+2 monthly meeting.


2.     Tracking & Monitoring

? Validate sales proposal and calculate NSV and SD impact, approve promotion plan to support sales growth.

? To co-ordinate promotion mechanism conflict during 11/11 & 6/18.

? Monitor platform TS against budget.

? To assist sales leaders on tracking channel & platform P&L.

? To monitor market trend and competition landscape.

3.     Cross-function & Resources Co-ordination

? Co-ordinate with product marketing and communication marketing on plans & resources.

4     Analytical

? Data Analysis and insight to drive & support eCom business planning & decision

?  To collaborate with data team to develop insights on overall UV\ CTR\ ROI\ SD\ new users\CER dynamics.


Bachelor Degree

Good influencing and communication skill

Commercial experience or exposure in e-commerce

Good Computer Skill, especially on Microsoft Office (PPT, Excel, WORD)


碧然德集团是饮用水优化行业的龙头企业之一。BRITA 是该公司具有悠久历史的品牌,在许多国家它已经成为滤水壶的代名词。碧然德在全球众多领先的净水品牌中位居榜首。碧然德集团总部设在德国威斯巴登(Wiesbaden)附近的陶努斯坦镇(Taunusstein),这个德国家族企业的业务遍及五大洲的60余个国家,拥有18家国内和国际子公司、股份公司、销售和工业合作伙伴,并在德国、英国和瑞士设有多个制造工厂。成立于1966年的碧然德集团是首家发明家用滤水壶的企业。目前,该公司开发、生产和销售各种创新性水资源优化解决方案,既有家用产品(滤水壶、滤水器、以及碧然德针对各知名品牌的大型和小型家庭电器整合滤水解决方案),也有商用产品(用于食品加工、餐饮和自动售货机行业的解决方案),同时还面向办公室、学校、餐饮业和医疗保健部门(医院、养老院)等卫生至关重要的场所提供与管道连接的滤水器。欲了解更多信息,请访问碧然德中国官方网站:************。


  • 公司地址:地址:span北京市丰台区西三环南路55号顺和国际财富中心3A-A区402