宜昌 [切换城市] 宜昌招聘宜昌财务/审计/税务招聘宜昌财务经理招聘



  • 公司规模:10000人以上
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:通信/电信运营、增值服务


  • 发布日期:2020-10-23
  • 工作地点:南京-建邺区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:8-9年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:1.3-1.6万/月
  • 职位类别:财务经理


                         Job Description 职位说明   -  Lead the AP Group of FSSC, responsible for the global AP shared service work of Xiaomi Group ?  领导财务共享服务中心AP组,负责小米集团全球AP共享服务工作  -  Responsible for forming annual and monthly work plan of AP Group according to FSSC annual work plan o and promoting the implementation of goals ?  负责根据共享中心年度工作计划,形成应付组年度、月度工作计划并推进目标落地  -  Guide and supervise the daily of the financial personnel in this group and provide evaluations of the main performance appraisal ?  指导、监督本组财务人员日常工作,提供主要的绩效考核评价意见  -  Plan and organize the training and development of the financial personnel in this group ?  规划、组织本组财务人员的培训发展工作  -  Responsible for external communication on major issues ?  负责重大事项的对外沟通 Main Responsibilities 主要职责   -  AP Business Processing AP业务处理: ?  Responsible for guiding and supervising every business processes of AP to ensure the normal operation of various business processes
   负责指导、监督应付业务流程中各项业务处理,确保各项业务处理正常运作性 ?  Ensure the group catch up and meet the schedule and requirements of Xiaomi Group's accounting monthly settlement
   确保小组跟进并符合小米集团财务月结的时间安排及要求  -  Service Management 服务运营管理 ?  Connect with vendors\internal related departments, receive feedback and suggestions from vendors\internal related departments on AP process and the financial personnel of this group
   与供应商\内部各相关部门对接,接收供应商\内部各相关部门对应付流程和本组财务人员的反馈与建议 ?  Ensure the accuracy of data and reports related to shared service
   确保共享服务相关的数据及报告的准确性  -  Operation Management  运营管理 ?  Responsible for assisting the operation management team to formulate and maintain the AP process operation specifications and control rules
   负责协助运营管理组制定、维护应付流程操作规范及管控细则 ?  Ensure that the latest updated standard operating procedures are ready and the team operations meet its requirements
   保证最新更新的标准操作程序准备就绪并且团队操作符合其要求 ?  Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are consistent with team goals and SOP to evaluate team performance
   关键绩效指标与团队目标和标准操作程序一致,以评估团队表现 ?  Provide high-quality services and accurate statistics, reports and analysis related to AP for stakeholders, so that they can obtain constructive suggestions and excellent service standards
   为相关部门提供高质量的服务和准确的应付相关的统计报告及分析,使其获得建设性的建议和卓越的服务水准 ?  Clearly define risks and evaluate timely to prevent risks in operation
   为了在运营中预防风险,清晰定义风险点并及时评估  -  Continuous Improvement 持续改进 ?  Identify non-compliance, process optimization and efficiency improvement issues in AP business processing and provide suggestions to promote continuous optimization of AP process
   发现AP业务处理中的不合规、流程优化、效率提升问题并提供优化建议,推动AP共享持续优化 ?  Continue to learn from the new AP business of Xiaomi Group, gradually accept the new AP business into FSSC according to the company's plan, and support the development and improvement of FSSC
   不断学习小米集团AP新业务,按公司规划逐步接纳AP新业务进入财务共享中心,支持共享中心发展与改进 ?  Participate in various professional and skill trainings in FSSC on time and conduct regular work summar
   按时参加共享中心的各项专业与技能培训,定期进行工作总结  -  Team Management  团队管理 ?   Define yearly goals for team and ensure achieving goal through monthly planning and execution
    制定团队的年度目标,并且确保通过月度计划及执行得以达成。 ?   Budget & expense control: formulate the annual and monthly budget of labor cost and operation cost and control the cost within the budget
    预算&费用控制:制定团队的年度及月度人事费用及经营费用预算,控制各费用在预算范围内 ?  Communication: in order to understand and motivate employees through different aspects, establish and implement effective communication channel and plans(internal and external) within the team
    沟通:为了通过不同的方面了解和激励员工,在团队内设定并执行有效的沟通渠道和计划(内外部会议) ?  Talent cultivation: formulate employee training plans to provide the competitive promotion opportunities for potential staff.
    人才培养&输出:制定员工培训计划,为有潜力的员工提供晋升的竞争机会。 ?  Constantly motivate team members to form an open and positive team



小米集团正式成立于2010年4月,是一家以手机、智能硬件和 IoT 平台为核心的互联网公司。小米的使命是,始终坚持做“感动人心、价格厚道”的好产品,让全球每个人都能享受科技带来的美好生活。2019年美国《财富》杂志发布世界500强排行榜,小米集团成为最快上榜的中国互联网以及科技企业,在上榜的全球互联网企业中排名第7。


  • Email:liying9@xiaomi.com
  • 公司地址:北京海淀区安宁庄路小米科技园 (邮编:100089)
  • 电话:15701006106