宜昌 [切换城市] 宜昌招聘宜昌生物/制药/医疗器械招聘宜昌药品注册招聘



  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
  • 公司行业:制药/生物工程


  • 发布日期:2019-08-02
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:无工作经验
  • 学历要求:招1人
  • 语言要求:不限
  • 职位月薪:2-3万/月
  • 职位类别:药品注册



1、 参与新产品的前期注册分析、评估与规划、策略和计划制定并执行;Involve into the analysis, assessment and plan of new products at early stage, and develop the regulatory strategies and plan and implement it.

2、 组织项目管理团队,准备并完成沟通交流会议资料、临床试验申请资料、上市申请资料并提交;Organize the RA project team to prepare the brief documents for consultation meeting, IND documents and NDA documents, and submit;

3、 积极跟踪审评进度并与审评人员沟通,及时组织团队完成发补要求资料并取得批准;Actively follow up the review process, and communicate with the reviewers, and organize the team members to finish the replay report for deficiency letter, and obtain the approval;

4、 审核团队成员准备的提交资料并保证符合质量和法规要求;Review the submission document prepared by team members, and meet the quality and meet the regulatory requirements;

5、 协调并支持临床试验GCP检查和生产基地GMP检查和注册检查;Coordinate and support the GCP and GMP on-site inspection and registration inspection;

6、 对已上市产品变更和再注册项目进行评估,制定策略和计划并组织团队完成申请和批准;Assess the variation and license renewal of post market products, and develop the strategies and plan, and organize the team members to complete the submission and approval;

7、 研究并掌握最新注册相关政策法规、技术技南,评估其影响。Learn and master the updated regulatory policy and new regulations, guidelines, and assess their effects.

8、 NMPA等相关药政管理部门、同行业加强联系,增强相互了解; Enhance the communication with NMPA, and connection with the industry and improve the understanding with each other;

9、 根据相关职位的岗位职责和能力要求,培养并提高下属业务能力,发展团队能力,以适应业务发展;Develop the team members’ capabilities and skills based on the related JD requirement, and cultivate the team competency to contribute the business goals;

10、 根据注册部各项目目标,制定科项目的年度预算并合理实施,指导并审核下属的出差、报销请假等申请,发现问题并及时修正;Set the reasonable annual budget for RA section 2 based on the RA objectives, and implement it in efficient way. Instruct and check the team members’ travel plan and reimbursement/vacation applications.

11、 紧密配合各相关部门,协助完成临床、医学相关资料、新BD项目的注册可行性评估。收集并分享竞争产品的注册相关情报。 Cooperate with the related department closely, and help them for the clinical/medical information preparation, and conduct the feasibility assessment for the new BD project. Collect and share the regulatory intelligence information for compete products.

完成总监交办的其他任务。Other tasks the director required.


  • 8年以上注册相关经验,其中5年以上外资医药行业注册项目管理经验 more than 8 years RA experience, and more than 5 years RA project management experience in foreign pharmaceutical companies;

  • 大学硕士或以上学历,医学、药学或相关专业毕业Master Degree or above, major in Medicine, pharmaceutical science, or related subjects.

  • 领导力;较强的沟通及表达能力;制药行业注册法规、流程经验;组织协调能力;Leadership, good communication and expression skills, familiar with the drug registration regulations and procedures. Good organizing skills;

  • 熟练的英语听、说、读、写能力Good Listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English

职能类别: 药品注册




    第一三共始终坚持:激情创新。真情为您。 Passion for Innovation. Compassion for Patients.


  • 公司地址:武汉
  • 电话:13764686180