宜昌 [切换城市] 宜昌招聘宜昌销售人员招聘宜昌销售代表招聘

IPC Sales 工控机销售(265305)


  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:多元化业务集团公司


  • 发布日期:2017-06-07
  • 工作地点:广州
  • 招聘人数:若干人
  • 职位类别:销售代表  


For Automation System business unit, we are looking for SIMATIC IPC promoters. The main responsibility is to push IPC to relevant channels and customers, support industry sales and jointly develop target customers to gain market share in the IPC market.
What are my responsibilities?
? Analyze market & business opportunity of responsible product
? Define and execute regional 4P strategy for responsible product, focus on “Placement” & “Promotion
? With focus on increasing transparency of competitor’s market
? Being the product responsible person in region, drive and support all channels to achieve target of responsible product
? Drive and support I S colleague and external partner
? Promotion at OEM,SI,DI,EU and partner
? Synergize resource with BU and sales to optimize the decision process
? Deliver knowledge
? Provide product knowledge and BU strategy internally and externally
? Organize local promotion activities in the region
? Develop target customer
? Define target OEM/Project with region sales and BU
? Business development plan with partner
? Track the development
What do I need to qualify for this job?
? Rich knowledge of SIEMENS IPC or competitors corresponding IPC products
? Solid technical background and best with hand-on engineering experience with IPC
? Sales experience in international/domestic IPC/PC supplier, or in distributor related to IPC
? Bachelor or above.
? 2-5 years working experience in automation
? Experience in IPC-related branch e.g. metal, power, electronics is preferred.
? Good communication skills internally and externally, and good ability to listen
? Good presentation skills to present in front of large audience
? Quick learner and with good sense of business
? Ability for structured & analytic approach to analyze status, propose measures, implement and follow-up
? Team work spirit
What else do I need to know?
 Siemens is dedicated to quality, equality, and valuating diversity and we welcome applications that reflect the diversity of the communities within which we work. Please find more information at:
If you want to know more Siemens job opportunities, please be free to log in our career website www.careers.siemens.com.cn

职能类别: 销售代表

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西门子(中国)有限公司成立于1994年10月06日,注册地位于北京市朝阳区望京中环南路七号,法定代表人为赫尔曼(Lothar Herrmann)。经营范围包括一、在电气、电子、机械工业和国家允许外商投资的其他领域从事投资和与之相关的业务;二、从事电气、电子和机械产品的制造经营活动;三、从事新产品及高新技术研究与开发,转让或许可研究开发成果,提供相应的技术服务;提供与西门子电气、电子和机械工业领域的产品(不包括消费类电子产品)的技术相关的咨询、市场调研、培训、工程及售后和维修服务,并进口售后和维修服务所需的原辅材料及零配件;四、以代理、经销或设立出口采购机构的方式出口境内商品并按规定办理出口退税;五、受其所投资企业的书面委托(经董事会一致同意),向其提供下列服务:1、协助或代理进口所投资企业自用的机器设备、办公设备、原材料、零部件;2、在国内外销售所投资企业的产品并提供售后和维修服务;3、向其提供综合服务,例如人事管理、培训、财务、市场调查、咨询和商情信息等;4、经中国银行监管部门批准,向其提供财务支持;5、在外汇管理部门同意和监督下,在所投资企业间平衡外汇收支;6、向其提供仓储等综合服务;7、向其提供机器和办公设备的经营性租赁服务;六、为下述企业提供技术培训服务:1、所投资企业产品的国内经销商、代理商;2、与公司或投资者或关联公司签有技术转让协议的国内公司、企业;七、购买所投资企业生产的产品进行系统集成后在国内外销售,如所投资企业生产的产品不能完全满足系统集成需要,可在国内外采购系统集成配套产品;八、在所投资企业投产前或所投资企业新产品投产前,为进行产品市场开发,从投资者进口与所投资企业生产产品相关的产品在国内试销;九、为其投资者和关联公司提供有偿咨询服务和技术支持;十、承接境内外企业的服务外包业务;十一、进口并在国内销售其投资者和关联公司的产品;十二、依法从事境外工程承包业务和对外投资;十三、设立经营性租赁和/或融资租赁公司并提供相关服务;十四、根据有关规定从事物流配送服务。十五、委托境内其他企业生产/加工产品并在国内外销售,从事产品全部外销的委托加工贸易业务;十六、从事商品批发、佣金代理(拍卖除外)、商品进出口和其它相关配套业务。十七、从事经营性租赁和融资租赁业务;十八、出租商业用房、出租办公用房;十九、软件开发;计算机系统服务;销售计算机、软件及辅助设备;二十、经济信息咨询;会议服务;承办展览展示活动(不含营业性演出)。(市场主体依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)西门子(中国)有限公司对外投资61家公司,具有85处分支机构。