Work content工作内容:
理解公司的质量体系和环境/健康安全方针,按公司环境/健康安全方面相关文件的要求,保护环境, 并向相关方传达XCEC环境/健康安全方针.Comprehend the environmental, health and safety policy of the company and spread this policy to the relative partners, Protect the environment;
了解本行业国内外的发展动态,根据国内外柴油机应用的发展趋势,为公司产品在汽车应用方面提出解决方案。Know of the developing trend of engine industry on local and abroad, based on the developing condition, make out the blue print for our company on automotive application;竞争性分析Products competition analysis; 客户应用工程日常管理工作 Daily management works of Customer engineering; 应用工程师的日常管理、培养、提高工作 Daily management, training, promotion works of application engineer;负责重要客户的重要应用项目的技术支持、客户使用问题分析处理Responsible for Key customer key application project technical support and analysis and solve the ender user engine issue; 建立并维护同OEM对接部门良好的客户关系 Establish and maintenance the better friendship with some OEM department.
工科专业大学本科Bachelor degree of engineering course;
康明斯标准培训Cummins standards training;康明斯应用基础以及高级培训Cummins basic and advance application engineering training;熟悉整车底盘动力、电器、控制系统的应用及设计技术Be familiar with the application and design technology of vehicle power system ,electronic and control system; 熟悉发动机结构及性能知识 Be familiar with the technology of engine structure and performance 较好的中英文阅读和书写能力Better reading and writing ability in Chinese and English 熟练运用Auto CAD和Pro-E等制图软件Be accomplished in AutoCAD and Pro-e;熟悉机械制图、公差配合和一定的机械设计知识Be familiar with mechanical drawing, tolerance matching and a few mechanical design knowledge;了解康明斯产品定义知识Understanding for Cummins product definition;至少五年相关专业的工作经验At least 5 years direct working experiences; 有产品设计开发工作经验Experience on product design and develop; 有整车匹配的工作经验Experience on engine matching and develop; 能经常出差Capable for business travel。