西安 [切换城市] 西安招聘西安计算机软件招聘西安软件UI设计师/工程师招聘

UI Developer / 前端开发工程师


  • 公司规模:5000-10000人
  • 公司行业:计算机软件


  • 发布日期:2014-07-17
  • 工作地点:成都
  • 招聘人数:若干
  • 职位类别:软件UI设计师/工程师  网站架构设计师





  • 你将会和我们的体验设计师一起工作,很多情况下会在客户(大部分在美国、欧洲、或者澳大利亚)那里,使用HTML/CSS以及JQuery(或者其他一些你所熟悉的框架)帮助体验设计师将手绘图或者线框图转化成高保真的原型,当然你也会参与到我们最具创造力的设计过程当中;

  • 你将会继续迭代式的修改和增强你的高保真原型,并参与到迭代式进行的用户体验测试,收集真实用户的反馈并做出调整,这一过程很有可能在客户现场进行;
  • 我们希望你能够建立起一套完整的UI框架(包括HTML标准DOM结构,CSS库策略,JavaScrip框架选择),建立规则,让后端开发人员在很大程度上在框架之下重用这些模式;
  • 你将会成为项目里前端代码的质量控制者,保证这些代码清晰优雅并能够跨浏览器和平台保持一致性;
  • 你将会和后端开发人员一起结对共同交付一个开发任务(我们叫它用户故事);
  • ThoughtWorks是一个鼓励学习和尝试新职业体验的组织,我们希望你能够把你的想法和经验传播到我们全球更广泛的社区中;


  • 你猜也能猜到,手写HTML/CSS和JavaScript能力是必须的;
  • 对语义化HTML/CSS,渐进增强,CSS框模型的深入理解;
  • 解决跨浏览器兼容性问题的痛苦经验;
  • 在ThoughtWorks你得结对,你得是个可爱的,能够和人一起工作的;

  • 你对交互设计的理解(哪怕是兴趣)都会帮助你在ThoughtWorks快速成长;
  • 如果你听说过敏捷开发,敏捷交互设计,体验设计,设计的思考这些概念,你会更快融入我们;
  • 你对以用户为中心交互设计领域的激情会帮助你更好地融入我们的社区,和分布在我们全球20多个办公室,70多种国籍的,与你一样有才能和激情的人交流和成长;
  • 如果你喜欢写博客,分享和记录你的思考或实践,你会被大家喜欢;
  • 你的英文不是阻止你成长的关键,当然如果你能灵活使用英文,这意味着你会更好融入我们全球的社区以及更多在海外工作的机会;
  • 用可视化的方法(比如说使用白板)表达你的想法是个让大家喜欢的捷径;
  • ThoughtWorks是一个社区,如果你不足够有经验,大家在意的是你好学精神,在这个扁平化的组织,总有人愿意帮助你,你的好学精神会让你得到更多机会;
  • 如果你在移动设备交互设计有经验,大家会把你当成宝贝。

UI Developer

In this position, responsibilities may vary in different deliver phases:Pre-delivery phase:
  • You will work closely with our Experience Designer, in some cases you will be also on client site, helping iteratively build hi-fi prototypes with HTML/CSS plus JQuery (or any other framework you are good at) based on sketches or wireframes created by Experience Designer (you may be also involved into this innovative process);

Delivery phase:
  • You will continue to refine your hi-fi prototype work for iterative user-testing, which you may also be invited to pair with Experience Designer, observe user's behaviors, find out those improvements and modifications;
  • You will be expected to use your HTML/CSS/JavaScript skills to create a nice and clean UI pattern framework that Application Developers can re-use in the future;
  • You will be a quality assurance of elegant front-end code, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and also to ensure consistency of the user interface across multiple platforms;
  • You will sometimes pair with our Application Developers working on one development task (we call it user story);
  • As in ThoughtWorks we encourage people learn more and try different experience, you will be also encouraged to share your brilliant skills and thoughts across the whole ThoughtWorks community globally;


  • Obviously your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills are must-have;
  • In-depth understanding of semantic HTML/CSS writing, progressive enhancement, and also CSS box model;
  • Practical experience of solving inconsistency across multiple platforms, e.g. IE6/7/8, FireFox and Safari on Windows or Mac;
  • In ThoughtWorks we pair, and you in most cases will pair with other people, that's why how you work closely with others really matters;

  • Your good understanding (or maybe just interest) of user interaction design will be beneficial to your career development in ThoughtWorks;
  • Your may hear about Agile development process, or keywords like: Experience Design, Agile UX, Design Thinking, those will help you quickly get involved into us;
  • Global UX community is emerging in ThoughtWorks globally, your passion to user-centric design will drive you communicate more with our other UX talents like you in other 20 offices in the world;
  • If you like share your ideas like Blogging, this will make you very popular in office, as we like people similar to us;
  • Your English will be not a blocker, but if you speak good English, this will very much help get more chances to work globally and get in touch with our talents in Global UX community;
  • Visual thinking will be a killer tool, if you like visualizing your idea using whiteboard, you are with us;
  • ThoughtWorks is a community, if you are not very experienced, we care about your passion to learning, there are a great many of people in this flat organization are happy to help you depending on how much passion they can feel;
  • Your experience with Mobile Web interface design will be a benefit, as we are getting more clients within this area;


ThoughtWorks 是一家全球顶尖软件及咨询公司,目前在全球十四个国家成立分公司,拥有超过 6,000 位行业精英,通过全球资源共享和人才交流服务全球高端客户。

ThoughtWorks的使命是通过软件创造人类更美好的明天,倡导社会责任感,创造公平公正的经济环境。在推动多元化及科技***发展之路上,ThoughtWorks 已获多个奖项并连续三年被世界顶尖的非盈利性***科技组织安妮塔·博格研究所(AnitaBorgInstitute,简称ABI)评选为******科技人员雇主。

ThoughtWorks 的业务模式是通过战略定位、IT咨询、产品设计和软件交付的端到端数字化服务,帮助全球金融、科技、制造、零售等行业顶尖企业数字化转型,助力企业演进组织及科技架构、建立数字化战略方向、提升企业数字化能力。面向全球客户,ThoughtWorks培养了持续解决复杂问题的国际数字化人才,以深刻的行业洞见、战略性的产品思维、领先的软件架构设计理念和高效的软件开发方式,帮助企业数字化革新,带动行业发展。ThoughtWorker们信奉“打破边界,成就自我”的理念,跨越不同领域和技能,持续颠覆创新,全方位构建数字化能力。




  • Email:tgzhang@thoughtworks.com
  • 公司地址:地址:span深南大道华润大冲商务中心C座