武汉 [切换城市] 武汉招聘武汉销售人员招聘武汉销售代表招聘



  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:房地产开发  中介服务


  • 发布日期:2014-08-05
  • 工作地点:武汉-江岸区
  • 招聘人数:10
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 语言要求:普通话良好
  • 职位月薪:8000-9999
  • 职位类别:房地产中介/交易  销售代表


是否在职场奋战几年后,迷惑了自己的前进的方向? 是否无力于自己目前的收入停滞不前,又找不到追寻的目标? 是否很早之前就拥有一个“梦”,又不知道该如何去实现? 是否一直从事销售职业,收入却总在良可之间摇摆,欲振乏力? 是否感觉自己所在的行业逐渐迟暮,已经前途渺渺? 是否希望找寻一个充满激情和希望的团队,定好发展坐标? 是否也希望拥有一套属于自己的房产,让家人安居快乐? 是否感慨于专业的限制和窄窄的择业选择,不能一展抱负? 一扇崭新的大门正徐徐向你打开…… 大江,大湖,大武汉,武汉高速发展,商业中介地产的需求不断在增长!顶级不动产商业中介地产部为此而生,我们专注、专业、热忱! 欢迎具备高素质、高情商、高收入目标的你,来加入我们这支激情和活力的崭新团队,共创未来! 在顶级不动产商业中介地产部,我们共同挑战“百万业绩,40万年薪” ! 岗位要求(Position Requirements): 1)、23-32周岁,本科及以上学历,大专学历特别优异者可以录取; 2)、身高:男性 170cm以上;女性 160cm以上; 3)、有良好的亲和力、理解能力和沟通能力; 4)、乐观开朗,为人诚恳,工作踏实; 5)、工作积极主动,注重团队合作,认同企业文化; 6)、愿意服务于高端客户; 7)、不要求有房地产销售工作经验(公司提供系统全面的培训)。 注: a、有汽车销售、奢侈品销售、酒店、航空、旅游等服务业工作经验优先。 b、有良好地英语口语优先。 岗位职责(Responsibilities): 1)、负责二手楼盘和客户的开发与维护,接待与咨询; 2)、提供全方位、专业的商业中介地产投资和中介租赁服务; 3)、详细了解客户的需求,做信息的合理匹配; 4)、陪同客户实地看房,进行商务谈判,促成商业中介地产买卖与租赁成交; 5)、客户的经营与维系。 常见问题( Q & A ): 1)、问:我是新人,没有接触过这个行业怎么办? 答:顶级专为没有行业经验的新员工提供系统的培训,如果你有勇气,够优秀,公司愿意做这样的培训投资,同时公司有广阔的晋升空间,任何人努力了就有机会。我们相信:企业的不断发展与扩大,必须遵循员工的学习与提升,共生共赢——我们共同成就志者梦想; 2)、我的发展空间如何? 答:公正、公平、广阔的发展平台和晋升空间,管理岗位均从内部优秀员工中选拔产生。 精英发展规划: A1见习顾问——A2商业地产顾问——A3高级商业地产顾问——A4资深商业地产顾问——A5高级客户经理——A6资深客户经理 管理发展规划: A1见习顾问—— A2商业地产顾问——A3高级商业地产顾问——门店店经理(B1——B3)——区域经理(C1——C3) 3)、问:薪资待遇是怎样的?答:顶级不动产商业地产部所有顾问均享行业最高水平底薪和高额提成;即:底薪(1800~3300元)+高额提成(10%~30%转正后15%~40%)+商业保险+社会保险+业绩奖励 4)、问:员工有业余生活吗?答:在顶级大家庭中,我们既是工作伙伴又是兄弟姐妹,公司定期会举行聚餐、K歌、踏青、运动会等活动。让大家在紧张工作之余,能尽情放松! 欢迎有工作激情、怀揣成功梦想的精英加盟公司,让我们一起快乐工作、快乐生活!期待与你携手,共铸明天辉煌! Join us, to create brilliance ! 温馨提示(Tips):尊敬的求职者您好:感谢你对顶级不动产豪宅部的关注,很高兴看到你的简历;因每天接收简历数量巨大,如您在投递简历一 日之内没有接到我们的邀请电话,请致电:王经理 134-0711-8465 欢迎您的来电! Do you have been confused about the direction where you will go after working for many years? Do you have been disappointed at your unalterable income and puzzled over what your goal is? Do you have owned a dream, but you have no idea how to make it come true? Do you have been engaged in sales career, but the income is not stable and elastic? Do you have felt the profession you stay in is on a downhill path and an uncertain future in front of you? Do you have been looking for a team full of passion and hope to set the future goals? Do you have been dreaming of the house property belongs to yourself and making a happy family? Do you have felt frustrated about the limitation of your major and the narrow employment? A new door is open to you slowly… The magnificent river, the broad lake, and the big Wuhan. Wuhan is developing at top speed, the demand of High-end properties is instantly increasing. The DingJi Luxury Real Estate comes into being. We are concentrated, professional and dedicated to offer the specific services for the high-end real estate. Welcome you, the person who have high quality, high emotional intelligence, high revenue target to join our team to creat the future! In DingJi Luxury Real Estate, we dare to accept the challenge “ Millions of results, 400000 annual salary”. Position Requirements: 1.23-32 years old, Bachelor degree or above, except for the excellent college degree. 2.The height: male ,above 170 centimeters; female, above 160 centimeters. 3.The good affinity, understanding ability and communication skills 4. Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality 5. Initiative, independent while possessing a great team spirit, and agreeing with the enterprise culture. 6. Willing to serve the high-end customers 7. Not required to have working experience in real estate sales company( provide comprehensive training system). Mark out: a. The person has the work experience in car sales, sales of luxury goods, hotel, aviation, tourism and other service industry is preferred. b. The person having good oral English is preferred. Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the development and maintenance, reception and consulting about Houses and the customers. 2. Providing the comprehensive and professional investment services about high-end properties. 3.A detailed understanding of customer needs, a reasonable matching of information 4. Accompanied by showing the customer, carrying on business negotiation to make the sales and leasing of high-end properties completed 5. The management and the maintanance of the customers. Q & A: 1.Q: I am a newcomer, no contact with this industry? A: Our company provides comprehensive training system for new employees who have no experience, if you have the courage and excellent enough, the company is willing to do such a training investment, at the same time the company has a wide promotion space, if you work hard, you will have a chance. We believe that the continuous development and expansion of enterprises, must encourage the staffs to learn and improve, symbiotic win-win situation – we build the same dream for success! 2.Q: My development space? A: just, fair and broad space for development platform and promotion, the good employees in management positions are selected within the company.. Elite development plan: A1 Consultant trainee - A2 Formal consultant - A3 senior consultant - A4 Senior Executive Consultant- A5 senior account manager - A6 senior executive account manager Management development plan: A1 formal consultant - A2 formal consultant - A3 senior consultant – store manager (B1 - B3) - regional manager (C1, C3) 3. Q: what is the salary? A: All the consultants in DingJi Luxury real estate can enjoy the highest basic salary and high commission; Namely: the basic salary (1800 ~ 3000 yuan) + high commission (10% ~ 30% after the regularization 15% ~ 40%) + performance bonus, social insurance and commercial insurance 4. Q: employees have spare time? A: in the big family, we are both working partners and brothers and sisters, the company will regularly hold some activities such as dinner, karaoke, outing, games and so on. Let everybody work in insecurity and also can enjoy relaxing! Welcome the elite full of passion and has great dreams to join our company, let us together work and live happily! Looking forward to work with you hand in hand, altogether casting tomorrow brilliant! Join us, to create brilliance! Tips: Dear applicants: thanks for your attention to our company, glad to see your resume; Due to receive a huge number of resumes every day, if you don’t accept the invitation in a day while you provide the resume. Please call: 134-0711-8465 The Recruiter Mr. Wang. Welcome to contact us!




----无责任底薪(1100-1800)+ 高额销售提成 + 各项激励奖金 + 带薪培训 + 社保(五险) + 法定节假日 + 带薪年假 + 体检+1年2次的旅游机会。
----该职位全市招聘包括: 武昌积玉桥区域、汉口沿江大道、江岸区、北湖区域,应聘者可根据家庭地址,就近选择上班地点。



  • 公司地址:武汉市汉口球场街融科天城一期T8栋26号商铺(京汉大道和球场横街交汇处21世纪不动产)
  • 邮政编码:433000
  • 联系人:罗经理
  • 电话:(027)82213377