天津 [切换城市] 天津招聘天津财务/审计/税务招聘天津会计招聘

AR accountant (billing) 会计


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:电子技术/半导体/集成电路


  • 发布日期:2022-06-27
  • 工作地点:天津
  • 工作经验:2年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:4-6千
  • 职位类别:会计


Your job

§ Prepare monthly reconcile with customer on time 按时准备每月与客户对账

§ Release VAT invoices as to goods dispatch 发布与货物发运相关的增值税发票

§ Ensure all the sales transaction booking are fully aligned with actual 确保所有销售交易登记与实际情况完全一致

§ Ensure all the void invoice can be handled on time 确保所有作废发票能够按时处理

§ Correspondences with the customer may be completed through e-mail, letter, or telephone call. 与客户的通信可通过电子邮件、信函或电话完成。

§ Monthly closing for the sales 销售月结单

§ Customer information update on time in Jinshui System. 金税系统及时更新客户信息。

§ Other duties as requested. 

Your professional background

§ At least 1 year(s) of working experience in in electronic industry or Finance field is required for this position  该职位要求至少1年电子行业或金融领域的工作经验

§ Problem solver, and any issues related with invoice may have should be resolved after speaking with this individual. 问题解决者,以及与发票相关的任何问题应在与此人交谈后解决。

§ English capability is required, including reading and written English. 要求具备英语能力,包括英语阅读和书写能力。

§ Primary skill in office software,

§ Invoice billing are multi-tasked individuals handling more than one situation at a time, able to work under stress  发票开票是一次处理多个情况的多任务个人,能够在压力下工作



德国伍尔特集团是拥有65年历史的德国知名企业,在全球拥有5.8万名员工,2009的销售额为75亿欧元, 它在德国颇有影响力,捐款修建了学校,博物馆等公共设施。
伍尔特电子公司成立于1976年,现今是欧洲***的电感类产品供应商以及德国的五大线路板制造商之一,专门开发、设计、经营线路板,电子元器件,太阳能等电子产品,已在法国、英国、美国、比利时、奥地利、芬兰、中国香港、中国台湾、新加坡等地拥有十几家分公司。2007年2月伍尔特电子全资收购了美商Midcom公司, 成为一个以中国、美国、德国为研发基地的开创性的电感、变压器、EMC器件制造商。

伍尔特(天津)电子有限公司隶属于德国伍尔特集团,成立于 2002 年 4 月,占地面积6402平方米, 是伍尔特电子集团在中国设立的销售和物流中心。产品涵盖各种电子元器件和机构件,包括各种磁环、电感、变压器、 电路保护器件、射频元器件、电源模块、电容、电阻、物联网无限模块、晶振、各种连接器和开关等。
在天津的总部有我们优秀的运营团队,包括了客服、供应链、仓库、财务、人事和法务。我们服务超过4,000家的客户,涵盖了各个工业门类。伍尔特电子拥有丰富的产品线,涵盖EMC组件,电容,电源模块,连接器,开关,晶振,大电流端子,LED 等。
Wurth Elektronik is an Allied Company of the internationally active Wurth Group, which had a more than 60 years history and employed nearly 58000 people and reached a turnover of about 7.5billion Euro in 2009. Wurth Group has a big contribution in Germany, which invested many communal facilities, such as schools & museum. As one of the five leading circuit board manufacturers of Germany and the biggest supplier of inductor products in Europe, Wurth Elektronik was founded in 1976 and extends the competence range from Printed Circuit Boards, Bus systems and Inductors to Solar modules, which offices & branches are overall in more than 10 countries, France, UK, USA, Austria, Finland, Hongkong , Taiwan & Singapore. Wurth Electronic Tianjin Co., Ltd. was founded in April 2002, is the first sales subsidiary company wholly-owned by Wurth Elektronik, which develops, manufactures and distributes inductors and EMC components like chip beads, patented snap-ferrites, common-mode-chokes & other EMC materials. In Feb.2007, Wurth Elektronik became to a manufacturer offering of transformers for analog, digital, power and LAN applications base on China, Ameria and Germany for the research center by acquiring US transformer manufacturer Midcom Inc., .


  • 公司地址:居家办公
  • 电话:13820549775