- 公司规模:500-1000人
- 公司性质:外资(欧美)
- 公司行业:快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
- 发布日期:2019-11-24
- 工作地点:北京-大兴区
- 招聘人数:2人
- 工作经验:无工作经验
- 学历要求:招2人
- 语言要求:不限
- 职位月薪:5-6万/年
- 职位类别:普工/操作工
1.1 配料工岗位职责
1.1.1 安全要求
- 严格遵守公司的安全规程,佩戴适当的PPE,对自己的日常操作负有安全责任,注意避免操作过程中的湿绊滑、机械、热、危害化学品,粉尘等安全风险;
- 及时纠正违章行为和危险动作,对日常工作中发现的安全隐患,要及时上报给带班班长;
1.1.2 质量职责:
- 经过培训考试合格方可上岗,达到掌握相关生产工艺、设备原理、技术标准、关键控制点的要求。
- 严格遵守相关食品质量安全,卫生制度,严格遵守食品质量安全法律法规等要求。
- 配料工根据领班提供的配方按要求配料,保证配料量准确无误,标签记录好原料批号,重量。
- 所用工具(料桶和勺子)必须保持干燥;从老化缸内加入的原料的配置必须使用消毒过的工具及容器;
- 确保门口的防蝇帘不得绑起,并注意保持洁净。
1.1.3 运行职责
- 原料的使用应遵照先进先用的原则;
- 全面负责配料间5S,配完料及时整理物料,地面清洗及时刮干;注意拍子底下和角落的垃圾;
- 检查原料质量,一旦发现问题应及时反映;
- 按时完成领班要求的其他工作;
1.2 投料工岗位职责
1.2.1 安全职责:
- 严格遵守公司的安全规程,佩戴适当的PPE,对自己的日常操作负有安全责任,注意避免操作过程中的湿绊滑、机械、热、危害化学品,粉尘等安全风险;
- 及时纠正违章行为和危险动作,对日常工作中发现的安全隐患,要及时上报给带班班长;
- 使用刀具要小心,做到"不伤害别人,不伤害自己,不被他人伤害",使用完后将刀洗净后放回刀架,未经允许严禁外借;
- 正确使用液压车,防止撞人或被撞。
1.2.2 质量职责:
- 经过培训考试合格方可上岗,达到掌握相关生产工艺、设备原理、技术标准、关键控制点的要求。
- 严格遵守相关食品质量安全,卫生制度,严格遵守食品质量安全法律法规等要求。
- 确保原料的种类的数量无误,胶类和乳化剂等小料要跟糖用1:5的比例搅拌均匀后投放,固体色素使用前务必先溶于水
- 投料时务必佩戴好帽子,遮盖全部头发,避免落发等异物风险
- 白糖务必先拆开袋口线,不得用刀割开袋子,避免异物
1.2.3 运行职责:
- 全面负责混料罐区域的5S,投完料及时整理物料,地面清洗及时刮干;注意地坑和巴氏、均质机周围的垃圾;
- 检查原料质量,一旦发现问题应及时反映;
- 混料过程中,设备如有任何异常,立即向领班反映
- 按时完成领班要求的其他工作;
联合利华的使命是让您的生活更具活力并使您心情愉悦、神采焕发、享受更加完美的生活。每天,在全世界,人们都会接触到联合利华的产品。我们的品牌受到各地消费者的信赖,我们已成长为全世界最成功的日用消费品生产商之一。我们是全球***的冷冻食品、冰淇淋、茶饮料、人造奶油和调味品生产商之一,也是全球***的洗涤、洁肤和护发产品生产商之一。在中国,我们已经成功地建立了力士、多芬、夏士莲、旁氏、奥妙、金纺、中华、立顿、家乐、和路雪 等诸多为广大消费者熟悉和喜爱的品牌。同时,我们努力保持与当地社会的交流,关心当地社会的发展,重视当地人才的培养。我们热忱期待您的加入!
Unilever's mission is to add vitality to life and help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. Every day, around the world, people reach for Unilever products. Our brands are trusted everywhere and, by listening to the people who buy them, we've grown into one of the world's most successful consumer goods companies. We are the largest frozen foods, ice cream, tea-based drinks, margarine and seasoning product manufacturer, and is one of the largest cleaning, skin cleansing and hair care product manufacturers. In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Dove, Hazeline, Pond’s, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall’s. We are committed to be a responsible corporate citizen by contributing to the local communities and economic development. We actively develop people and build local leadership. Welcome to join us!
Unilever's mission is to add vitality to life and help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. Every day, around the world, people reach for Unilever products. Our brands are trusted everywhere and, by listening to the people who buy them, we've grown into one of the world's most successful consumer goods companies. We are the largest frozen foods, ice cream, tea-based drinks, margarine and seasoning product manufacturer, and is one of the largest cleaning, skin cleansing and hair care product manufacturers. In China, Unilever has built brands which are known and liked by many Chinese consumers, such as Lux, Dove, Hazeline, Pond’s, Omo, Comfort, Zhonghua, Lipton, Knorr, Wall’s. We are committed to be a responsible corporate citizen by contributing to the local communities and economic development. We actively develop people and build local leadership. Welcome to join us!
- Email:bruce.mu@unilever.com
- 公司地址:地址:span北京市经济技术开发区万源街16号,100176