深圳 [切换城市] 深圳招聘深圳生物/制药/医疗器械招聘深圳临床研究员招聘

(SSMR)Protocol Developer/协议开发(PLM-APPL)


  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:医疗设备/器械


  • 发布日期:2012-08-02
  • 工作地点:深圳
  • 招聘人数:若干
  • 学历要求:硕士
  • 职位类别:临床数据分析员  临床研究员


1:Improvement of existing and implementation and test of new or improved protocols in the scope of software project definitions and requirement specifications.
2:Maintenance of released product applications (regarding protocol settings and postprocessing options).
3:Generation of functional, design and test specifications for clinical applications derived from released requirement specification.
4:Evaluation of and solution proposals for customer initiated complaints about insufficient performance or functionality of applications released in a product.
5:Organization and support for Customer Preference Feedback in the scope of development projects. Collection of customer feedback on clinical applications.
6:Evaluation of new prototypes (HW or SW) from a customer specific application perspective.
7:Marketing support: Creation of reference image material for new or improved applications, contribution to application training workshops for new systems and/or applications, support for product definition and authoring of specific technical chapters to marketing publications.
8:Support of application specific parts of the user documentation (Adoc). Writing of specific technical chapters describing clinical implementations (see 1.) and validation of application related parts written by other authors from clinical perspective.
9:Submission of patent applications for newly developed application techniques and subsequent authoring of scientific publications (in journals and conference contributions) thereon.

1:- Medical university degree (MSc or higher)
-2 years of clinical experience in radiological environment, international experience preferred
- Basic know-how of MR physics and MR sequences

2:- 2 years experience in radiological clinical function

3:- International orientation essential
- Experience with international employers, colleagues and customers preferred
- Ability to operate in foreign cultures mandatory


西门子磁共振园 —— 为中国,且为世界




西门子磁共振园面向中国和国际市场提供拥有西门子整机技术的1.5T超导磁共振成像系统和0.35T C型开放式永磁磁共振成像系统。西门子磁共振园为全球用户提供一流的技术和服务。



网址: http://www.siemens.com.cn/ssmr



  • Email:ssmr-recruit.healthcare@siemens.com