We are in need of a Mechanical Engineer with experience in the design of industrial products. This position is fully focused on achieving significant reduction of product cost through an integrate, multi-functional, cost reduction team. Responsibilities: - Involved in cost improvement projects for generator systems
- Product design, including concept generation, design, modeling, analysis and verification testing
- Conducting cross-functional design reviews between manufacturing, engineering and global supply chain
- Documentation of design changes and test results
- Implementation of engineering changes.
Basic Qualifications: - BSME or equivalent experience
- 2 – 5 years of experience in product design, casting, machining, and fabrication
- Design experience with any of the following; sheet metal enclosures, frames, fuels tanks, castings, plastics, precision machined components, engines systems (fuel, cooling, controls, emissions, engine control units (ECU), turbochargers, natural gas fuel regulators)
- Background in DFM/A principles, experience in cost reduction techniques
- Experience using CREO, Pro-E or similar CAD 3D modeling software.
职位描述 | 工作职责 - 参与发电机系统的降本项目。
- 产品设计包括:概念设计,设计,造型,分析和测试验证
- 参与多部门间(制造,工程和全球采购部)的设计交流,检查评估
- 归档设计更改和测试结果。
- 完成工程图纸的更改。
基本要求 - 机械工程本科 或相当的专业/经历
- 2-5年的产品设计,铸造,机加工和制造的工作经验
- 具有以下所列的设计经验:板金柜/箱,机架,油箱,铸造,注塑工艺,精密机加工件,引擎系统(燃油系统,冷却,排放,引擎控制单元,增压器,天然气控制阀)
- 具有面向制造的设计和面向装配的设计的背景知识和 减少成本的经验技术。
- 熟练掌握 Pro-e Creo或类似的3D软件的使用。