商丘 [切换城市] 商丘招聘商丘市场/营销招聘商丘市场助理招聘



  • 公司规模:10000人以上
  • 公司性质:国企
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


  • 发布日期:2021-06-04
  • 工作地点:北京-朝阳区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:1年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语良好
  • 职位月薪:0.8-1万/月
  • 职位类别:市场助理


Job Description


  • News 新闻
  • News clue collection; news interview; news article drafting for both internal and external promotion purposes to ensure company and PG’s even exposure throughout the year;
  • 线索收集;新闻采访;撰写对内及对外新闻稿以保证公司和产品中心全年均匀曝光度;
  • Quarterly/yearly communication letter/speech drafting for management team;
  • 季度/年度领导层沟通信和讲话稿等;
  • Responding positively to Division and ABB China’s request on news proposal, in a timely manner.
  • 配合事业部和ABB中国的新闻线索收集需求并定期汇报。
  • Traditional Media, Advertisement & Awards 传统媒体、广告及奖项
  • Make advertisement placement plan and supervise the actual distribution; present company general image, product lines, industries and solutions evenly around the year.
  • 广告投放计划并监督执行情况;保证全年公司形象、产品线、行业和解决方案等各方面的均匀曝光度。
  • Maintain a friendly cooperative friendship with media partners and associations; apply for awards, especially on latest and hardcore products.
  • 体及协会保持友好合作关系;为公司及产品申请奖项(特别是新产品及主推产品)。
  • Social Media Management 社交媒体管理运营
  • Manage ABB Drives WeChat account; draft and post news on weekly basis; ensure the organic increase of account followers
  • ABB传动官方微信公众号;每周撰写并发布新闻贴;保证公号粉丝有机增长。
  • Develop an integrated social media network for ABB Drives in China step by step.
  • 开发、建立ABB传动社交媒体网络。
  • Digital Marketing Campaign 数字化集中市场推广活动
  • Under the guidance of BU MarCom team and under the supervision of local MarCom Manager, to carry out a concentrating digital marketing campaign for certain product; track sales leads and manage in a closed loop.
  • 务单元市场传播团队的指导和本地市场传播经理的监督下,针对某一特定产品或产品线,开展集中的数字化市场推广活动;跟踪潜在销售机会并闭环管理。
  • Others 其他
  • English & Chinese interpretation, translation and validation by cases;
  • 情况下的英中或中英口译、笔译和校对工作;
  • Event/ceremony bilingual hosting by occasion.
  • 活动/仪式下的双语主持工作。
  • span>



  • English Major; excellent English spoken and written skills (Bachelor Degree at least; TEM 8 Certificate Holder); capable to interpret or translate by occasions

英语专业;优秀的英语口语和写作能力 (学士学位及以上;英语专业八级;应具备口译、笔译能力);

  • Excellent writing capability on newsletter, news articles and social media news post;
  • 的公司新闻文案写作能力及社交媒体新闻贴创作能力;
  • Good computer skill (PowerPoint/Word/Excel);
  • 的计算机操作能力(PPT/Word/Excel
  • Positive attitude with fine image;







  • Email:xu.ting.ting@fesco.com.cn
  • 公司地址:上海市黄浦区河南中路99号 (邮编:100020)
  • 电话:15611873704