莆田 [切换城市] 莆田招聘莆田行政/后勤招聘莆田行政专员/助理招聘

Office Admin


  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)


  • 发布日期:2019-01-29
  • 工作地点:上海-黄浦区
  • 招聘人数:若干人
  • 工作经验:2年经验
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 职位月薪:6-8千/月
  • 职位类别:行政专员/助理


我们是Bits x Bites,是针对食物科技的加速器+创业投资机构,致力于投资人才及创新科技,打造可持续的食物生态系统。

We are Bits x Bites, food accelerator and VC, our mission is to shape the future of good food by investing in people and technology to create more sustainable food systems.

我们相信创业公司的第一个120天,是一个从零到一、至关重要的过程 。我们创建的120天课程就是为创业者提供资金,并提供全产业链资源,支持他们走过商业模式建立和产品开发的高强度阶段。

We believe a startup’s first 120 days, from zero to 1, is mission critical. That’s why our 120-day program is designed to fund and support founders through this intensive and highly ambiguous phase of product and business creation.

我们的团队和社群扎根于上海。在这个中国具有影响力、食物创新具前瞻性的环境中, 受邀加入的初创团队将会得到诸多专业导师的帮助—从大型食品公司的高层领导到为行业注入颠覆性产品或服务的连续创业者,从美味至上的烹饪名厨到天才设计师等, 通过他们的指导与经验分享,我们竭尽所能地希望利用最短的时间内,协助初创企业在盈利能力和影响力方面快速成长。

?You will join our community and team in the most important food and commercial city in

the Middle Kingdom, Shanghai. You will get hands-on help from a network of mentors - from big food executives to disruptive startup founders, from culinary chefs to kickass product designers. In this way, you will be able to scale fast for profit and impact.

我们是一个追求高效率、高品质、秉持创业精神、主张设计思维的精简团队,团队成员是来自各个领域的精英。之前的工作背景各不相同,包括管理咨询 (BCG)、设计咨询 (IDEO、Frog Design)、投资银行 (Macquarie Capital)、私募基金以及自主创业等,不同背景的经验在团队中因为“食物+科技”的聚焦而完美融合。

This is a boutique team with high efficiency, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship, and design thinking mindset. Team members are elites from various areas including management consultancy (BCG), design consultancy (IDEO, Frog Design), investment banking (Macquarie Capital), private equity and startups. Varied experience from different industries merge here with our food + technology focus.


As the team and the community grows, we are recruiting office admin to ensure the office daily operation and meanwhile bring the office better experience.


1 办公室日常物品采购(文具、耗材、食品、饮料等)

2 办公室行政报销事宜

3 办公室日常订餐

4 其他办公室日常行政工作

Here is our expectation for the position:

1 Office daily purchase (stationery, commodity, food and beverage, etc.)

2 Office administrative reimbursement

3 Office lunch ordering

4 Other administrative tasks as required


1 拥有本科在读或以上学历

2 良好的中英文语言能力

3 清晰、有效的沟通能力

4 在高效率的工作中亦能注意细节

5 Office办公软件能力优秀

We also expect that you have:

1 A Bachelor's degree or above

2 Good language ability in Mandarin and English

3 Ability to communicate clearly and effectively

4 Ability to work efficiently with great attention to details

5 Proficiency in Office software

职能类别: 行政专员/助理

关键字: 行政




  • Email:shinhocr@shinhofood.com
  • 公司地址:和平区港湾中心903
  • 电话:17658088676