莆田 [切换城市] 莆田招聘莆田人力资源招聘莆田招聘经理/主管招聘



  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
  • 公司行业:快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)


  • 发布日期:2017-03-30
  • 工作地点:上海-长宁区
  • 招聘人数:若干人
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:1-1.5万/月
  • 职位类别:招聘经理/主管  


1. Develop the organization capability on talent acquisition
2. Recruit and select the right people for the organization

1. Manage the recruitment function team in China, focusing on the position on and above Grade 8 (mid level manager and above).
2. Establish and maintain the talent pool for critical positions
3. Lead campus recruitment, and coordinate among departments for the trainee program.
4. Consolidate the recruitment needs and tracking the progress. Define the recruitment strategy and prepare for future talent needs.
5. Lead the workforce planning and participate the budget process.
6. Develop the recruitment channel and manage the recruitment fee.
7. Develop the talent tools, streamline the recruitment processes.
8. Train the recruitment skills to HR team as well as hiring managers, upgrade and develop the capability on recruitment and skills

1. Bachelor degree or above
2. 5-8 years of experience on recruitment
3. Master competency applications, selection tools and processes
4. Be good at social media recruitment channel and tools
5. Self discipline and self initiate
6. Certified qualification on target selection training will be a plus
7. Experience with people management will be a plus

职能类别: 招聘经理/主管

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金红叶纸业集团有限公司成立于1996年,是金光集团APP(中国)生活用纸事业部,总部位于风景优美的苏州工业园区, 集团现有员工1.2万余人,在全国拥有 14个制造工厂 、23个销售分公司。公司是国内实践“林浆纸一体化”生产管理流程的超大型造纸企业,我们始终秉承着 “你用纸,我种树,实践绿色大循环”的原则,发展生态造纸。
金红叶纸业旗下品牌有5大品牌:“清风”、“铂丽雅”、“唯洁雅”、“真真”、“怡丽”,覆盖主流、超高端、高端、经济、个人护理市场,组合营销,精准服务消费人群。 “清风”品牌被评为2020年C-BPI中国品牌榜纸巾/卷纸类***,2020行业影响力品牌榜生活用纸行业领导品牌奖。 “铂丽雅”品牌将“每寸肌肤都值得温柔以待”的生活理念带给更多高端女性。“唯洁雅”品牌致力于满足高端消费者对纸巾卓越品质的需求。 “真真”品牌以高质量标准满足性价比的追求者。“怡丽”品牌致力于纯净无添加的个人护理产品体验。


  • Email:qd@ghy.com.cn
  • 公司地址:中山南路414号投资大厦
  • 电话:18759887796