南平 [切换城市] 南平招聘



  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:批发/零售


  • 发布日期:2016-11-30
  • 工作地点:广州-南沙区
  • 招聘人数:若干人
  • 工作经验:8-9年经验
  • 语言要求:英语 熟练 普通话 精通
  • 职位月薪:10000-14999/月
  • 职位类别:其他  


Job Description – New products & Industrialization Engineer

1. Purpose of the Job
To lead, manage and control both the TPS and in-house China new projects and to support the product development with all new developments of Tupperware kitchen or household appliances that contain electrical or electronic components

2. Reports to:
Reports to Director New Product Development & R&D A/P

3. Responsibilities:

? Provides detailed technical guidelines for the development of all electrical and electronic appliances in all aspects like design, construction, fixtures, materials, electrical current (DC-AC), motor types, ….
? Analyzes competitor items based on own test protocols and defines clear direction to go based on pro’s and con’s
? Defines early product specifications for the appliances including global regulations or standards to be respected
? Identifies potential risks (functional, safety, environment, regulatory, processing, …)
? Provides direction on necessary development process steps and feasible timelines
? Responsible to respect timelines that have been agreed upon
? Provides detailed and regular communication on status of projects
? Support and manages the overall debugging & industrialization of these new products
? Supports screening of new and existing suppliers so that the best ones are selected.
? Works with suppliers on optimizing the appliances they offer in order to meet the Tupperware requirements. Works out smart, innovative and cost effective solutions.
? Maintains relations with supporting services related to development and validation of appliances
? Assures assembly and final product are in line with the expectations and that proper materials have been selected and test protocols are defined in every step of the process
? Assures proper technical strategy within the appliance category or within all appliances so that eventually spare parts and after sales can be globally optimized. (Same screws, PCB, …..)
? Brings new ideas to management
? Responsible for QIP related to electronic or electrical components
? Monitors returns of electrical and electronic components for products in sale on global basis.
? Stays up to date with latest new technological developments on appliances and communication between appliances
? Provides direction on what can and should be patented from Tupperware side
? Clearly communicates with management on proposed directions & critical issues

3. Skills:

? Experience
o A minimum of 8 years of proven experience in Electrical/Mechanical R&D including working and directing/managing vendors/suppliers in Asia
o Mature person coming from a company developing and testing electric appliances for the global markets
o Bachelor’s Degree (minimum) in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering. Master’s Degree is a plus
? Managerial
o Able to work with and lead international teams
o Able to follow up multiple projects at the same time
o Good decision maker and communicator
? Project management
o Has strong project management experience and skills
? Communication
o Ability to speak and write English, Mandarin and Cantonese fluently.
o Able to summarize complex data into clear conclusions that allow management or category team decision making
o Influencing skills to deliver timely and qualitative results
? Technical
o Proven track record of developing or co-developing with external suppliers.
o In depth electrical and electronic knowledge and expertise in relation to electrical appliances like mixers, water filters, air filters, food mixers, kitchen robots, scales, heating elements, ….
o Global knowledge about regulations, technical requirements, development of electrical & electronic appliances
o Knows competitor landscape and main markets and understands the criteria suppliers need to full fill to be able to remain competitive and innovative
o Understands the different communication ways (wifi, rfid, nfc, bluetooth,…) in-between appliances and knows how to set up communication with appliances via internet
o Knows cost of goods and can help to challenge quotes received from suppliers
o Understands how to correctly select components and to assemble those to provide long life time solution
o Expertise and working knowledge in plastics materials and production processes. Knowledge of other materials (metals, ceramics, wood, etc, is a plus)
o Working knowledge of molding and processing and a working understanding of CAD and engineering analysis
? Development
o Understands the design possibilities and limitations and can clearly communicate these to the internal and external partners
o Can start to compose new appliances from scratch, knows the process steps to allow fast track and good development
o Knows and has good relations with supporting institutes or component suppliers
o Understands and knows the patent landscape within the global appliances and can provide direction

职能类别: 其他

举报 分享



故事从20世纪30年代开始,美国化学家Mr. Earl Tupper先生在石油提炼过程中,发现了一种无毒无臭,质轻耐用且可塑性极强的材料,随后具有神奇食物保鲜效果的塑料容器和密封盖诞生了。70多年过去了,特百惠已发展成为一个多元化集团公司(Tupperware Brands Corporation),在全球拥有74家分公司,总部设在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市。旗下拥有9大品牌,产品种类达8,000余种,畅销世界100多个国家和地区,为家居和个人提供多元化产品和服务。

- 保持我们作为销售高品质及创新产品品牌的全球性领导地位。
- 激发我们的员工、销售人员、消费者和投资者的信心。
- 激发人的生命潜能,提升他们的生活水平和品质,从而实现人生梦想。

- 1999年,特百惠被美国《财富》(Fortune)杂志评选为“20世纪经典产品”。
- 2009年,特百惠第六次被福布斯(**********)评为“白金400强之美国***大公司之一”。
- 2008-2015年,特百惠连续八年被美国《财富》(Fortune)杂志评为 “全球最受赞赏的公司”之一(家居用品类)。
- 2015年,特百惠中国荣获中国连锁经营协会最高等级3A认证。

- 1946年,始于美国;
- 1995年,进入中国,在广州设厂;
- 2000年,成立六大区域分公司,全面启动加盟专卖店商业模式;
- 2015年,拥有5000多个专卖店,业务遍布全国660个多个县级以上地市,为数千万会员带来优质产品体验和服务。


- 心怀梦想,富有激情,乐于分享;
- 有亲和力,耐心,注重执行;
- 善于思考,勤奋好学;
- 喜欢理家文化和特百惠产品。

- 福利:五险一金/带薪假期/津贴/贺金/公司产品体验/商业医疗保险等
- 发展:培训/海外交流/晋升/轮岗/项目合作等
- 奖金:年底花红/季度/年度奖金/有竞争力的工资
- 表彰:省办表彰/分公司表彰/全国表彰
- 平等:良好的企业文化/简单的人际关系/优质的企业品牌/丰富的员工活动等



  • Email:headofficehr@Tupperware.com.cn
  • 公司地址:地址:span越秀区建设六马路宜安广场