南京 [切换城市] 南京招聘南京银行招聘南京风险控制招聘

Officer, Credit Risk Control


  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:银行


  • 发布日期:2014-07-15
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 招聘人数:若干
  • 职位月薪:面议
  • 职位类别:风险控制  




Scope of Role:

· Provide a high-level quality support and advice to the Relationship Managers in the Business Units on all documentation related matters.

· To oversee and supervise database input (e.g. SLA TAT records, security in vault records, Collateral Management System record published from SCI or input in-country), relating to all securing documentation.

· To follow up of BFL, securing documentation deficiencies & perfection of security.

· To authorize the lodgment, withdrawal and release of securing documentation.

· To maintain an independent control and safe custody over securing documentation.

· To supervise and maintain dual-control of vault(if applicable)

· To provide on the job training/coaching to subordinates within CDT.

Key Responsibilities/Challenges:

· To be responsible for preparing and checking of draft and clean type Banking Facility Letter (‘BFL’) and securing documents.

· To check and ensure the perfection and correctness of all securing documentation and issue the Security Compliance Certificate (‘SCC’), Partial SCC and Documents Deferral Note (‘DDN’) in a timely fashion.

· To maintain the database input of TAT records and securing documentation register in the designated Custodian record system e.g. CMS.

· To closely monitor and follow up all documentation deficiencies in order to minimize the duration of pending issuance of SCC’s.

· To safe-keep the original securing documents in fire-proof cabinet.

· To control securing documents in temporary lodgment in proper manner.

· To control lodgment & withdrawal of securing documentation.

· To transfer obsolete securing documents to the obsolete document file.

· To assist Head of CRC CN/Senior Manager, CDT to release security including reassignment of mortgaged property.

· To follow up on the renewal and topping up of insurance policies &/or securing deposits.

· To maintain diary in designated system for insurance records, incoming documents with expiry date, documentation deficiency deferral expiry dates, pending records for returning of BFL and security documents.

· To advise CAT team the update status of securing document in a timely manner so as to let CAT team to adjust the limit in relevant Transaction Processing System through GSSC.

· To assist Head of CRC CN / Senior Manager, CDT to carry out internal control checking program and provide feedback of errors/problems directly to the Head of CRC CN / Senior Manager, CDT.

· To advise Senior Manager, CDT and to take appropriate action of all pending SCCs where the approved deferral is overdue and further deferral is not in place.

· To ensure CDD requirement is completed before issuing SCC.

· To support and provide accurate data for local regulatory reportings.

· To provide feedback of errors/problems to Manager, CDT or Senior Manager, CDT immediately.

Selection Criteria:

· Strong risk acumen and awareness, ability and courage to lead and conduct independent investigations on critical issues.

· Good communication and interpersonal skills.

· Good working knowledge on bank’s products/ services and operations of other departments.

· Good supervisory and management skills. Ability to lead by example and involved in details.

· Sound knowledge of banking practices, legal and regulatory requirements of China.

· Strong presentation and negotiation skills.

Please send your resume to: tasfgto.chinahr@sc.com , with the position and location in subject.

To apply, visit www.standardchartered.com/careers

请将简历发送至:tasfgto.chinahr@sc.com ,并在邮件主题中注明您所应聘的职位名称及地区。


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  • Email:tasfgto.chinahr@sc.com
  • 公司地址:上海市浦东新区世纪大道201号渣打银行大厦18楼 (邮编:200120)