- 公司规模:少于50人
- 公司性质:民营公司
- 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会) 教育/培训/院校
享誉全球的乐高教育(LEGO Education),少儿科技启蒙国际品牌,为3-14岁少儿提供了解科技、学习科技、创新科技的益智活动空间。
1、官方授权.全球同步——乐高教育部(LEGO Education Division)是丹麦乐高集团(LEGO GROUP)直属的二大部门之一,拥有20多年的教育开发经验。本中心是LEGO Education官方授权的课外活动中心,益智课程全球同步更新!
3、高新科技.权威合作——乐高教育部与国际顶尖的教育专家合作研发教育课程。重点合作机构如下:美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MIT Media Lab)、卡内基梅隆大学机器人学院(The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University )、塔辅茨大学工程训练中心、美国国家仪器公司(National Instruments)、清华大学乐高工程实验室等等……
4、全面接轨.国际赛事——全球性非盈利组织First机构与乐高联盟的FLL(First LEGO League)9-14岁青少年及JR.FLL4-8岁幼儿竞赛,目前已经形成了一个全球共享的竞赛网络,其成绩获得国外大学及知名跨国公司的认可。
About Us
Learning is at the very core of the LEGO Group’s most heartfelt values and the company has invested many years of cooperation and research with educators and child development specialists to build a rich understanding of what it takes to provide effective learning experiences.
While exam scores may continue to dominate agendas, research shows that there are greater benefits to education by focusing on applying knowledge as a means to expand learning than on acquiring knowledge in order to pass examinations. The role of educators is changing.
We created LEGO Education to deliver teacher-tested, classroom –ready solutions for engaging and inspiring young learners. LEGO Education combines the unique, inspiring qualities of LEGO bricks with subject-specific tools and curricula so classroom teachers can meet key learning objectives. It’s a LEGO way to teach!
At LEGO Education, we work with teachers and classrooms every day to help support educational experiences that will prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s world.
1、官方授权.全球同步——乐高教育部(LEGO Education Division)是丹麦乐高集团(LEGO GROUP)直属的二大部门之一,拥有20多年的教育开发经验。本中心是LEGO Education官方授权的课外活动中心,益智课程全球同步更新!
3、高新科技.权威合作——乐高教育部与国际顶尖的教育专家合作研发教育课程。重点合作机构如下:美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MIT Media Lab)、卡内基梅隆大学机器人学院(The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University )、塔辅茨大学工程训练中心、美国国家仪器公司(National Instruments)、清华大学乐高工程实验室等等……
4、全面接轨.国际赛事——全球性非盈利组织First机构与乐高联盟的FLL(First LEGO League)9-14岁青少年及JR.FLL4-8岁幼儿竞赛,目前已经形成了一个全球共享的竞赛网络,其成绩获得国外大学及知名跨国公司的认可。
About Us
Learning is at the very core of the LEGO Group’s most heartfelt values and the company has invested many years of cooperation and research with educators and child development specialists to build a rich understanding of what it takes to provide effective learning experiences.
While exam scores may continue to dominate agendas, research shows that there are greater benefits to education by focusing on applying knowledge as a means to expand learning than on acquiring knowledge in order to pass examinations. The role of educators is changing.
We created LEGO Education to deliver teacher-tested, classroom –ready solutions for engaging and inspiring young learners. LEGO Education combines the unique, inspiring qualities of LEGO bricks with subject-specific tools and curricula so classroom teachers can meet key learning objectives. It’s a LEGO way to teach!
At LEGO Education, we work with teachers and classrooms every day to help support educational experiences that will prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s world.
职位名称 | 工作地区 | 更新日期 | 招聘人数 |
课程顾问 | 南京-建邺区 | 2013-04-26 | 若干 |
案场经理 | 南京-六合区 | 2013-04-26 | 3 |
兼职学龄乐高指导师 | 南京-建邺区 | 2013-04-26 | 若干 |
学龄乐高指导师 | 南京-建邺区 | 2013-04-26 | 若干 |
学龄前乐高指导师 | 南京-建邺区 | 2013-04-26 | 若干 |