兰州 [切换城市] 兰州招聘兰州教师招聘兰州院校教务管理人员招聘



  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:教育/培训/院校


  • 发布日期:2021-01-12
  • 工作地点:上海-长宁区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:3-4年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语熟练
  • 职位月薪:1.2-1.8万/月
  • 职位类别:院校教务管理人员




  • 管理教师团队的日常,负责搭建校区教师的日常考核体系,并执行考核工作;
  • 制定以及更新教师的工作流程和工作规范;
  • 安排日常课堂教学,设定教学进度,并督促教师按照教学计划执行教学;
  • 协调教师的请假、代课、看课等教学工作;
  • 搭建教师的学术考评体系;
  • 定期考评教师的课堂教学质量,并对不足之处给予反馈;
  • 定期组织教研活动,确定教研的主题、内容以及形式,并执行教研;
  • 负责校区新教师的招聘、培训和考核;
  • 与学生家长沟通,听取家长意见,搜集学生、家长和教师的三方反馈;
  • 与总部相关开发部门定期进行沟通,反馈教学产品的使用情况;
  • 对教学服务模式进行优化,含学生服务、家长服务、教师服务等;
  • 配合市场、销售等各部门完成校区的相关工作;
  • 协助上级领导处理其他事务。


  • 3年以上的青少儿英语教学经验;
  • 2年以上的英语教学中心的教学团队管理经验;
  • 本科学历及以上,专业倾向于教育、现代语言、语言学或英语教育方向;
  • 拥有教师资格证者优先;
  • 拥有TEFL/TESOL/CELTA等资格证者优先;
  • 英语达到CEFR C2水平;
  • 较强的组织能力并且关注细节;
  • 能在时间限定的压力下完成工作;
  • 有较为深刻的行业理解和专业知识。

Be the leader of academic team in Scholastic English center in Changning District, Shanghai, with the responsibility of building the teaching team, managing and arranging daily teaching plans, evaluating teaching quality, carrying out teaching and researching activities, and coordinating among parents, students, and teachers.


  • Manage the teaching team on daily basis, building and implementing the management system for teachers
  • Establish and update the teachers’ standard workflow and working code
  • Arrange daily teaching schedule and supervise teachers to carry out the teaching activities according to the schedule
  • Coordinate teachers’ working schedules in terms of their annual leave, sick leave, class observation, etc
  • Construct the academic evaluating system for the teachers
  • Evaluate teachers’ teaching qualities regularly and provide timely feedback to them
  • Organize teaching and researching activities regularly to have teachers discuss about the academic issues
  • Be responsible for new teachers’ recruitment, training, and evaluation
  • Communicate with students’ parents and collect feedbacks from students, parents, and teachers
  • Keep in touch with product team of Scholastic Asia to update the situation of product application in China  
  • Optimize teaching-serving mode to provide better service to students, parents, and teachers
  • Collaborate with marketing team, sales team, and other departments to achieve common goals


  • At least three years’ English teaching experience for Chinese kids and teenagers
  • At least two years’ management experience of managing English academic team
  • Bachelor degree, preferably in Education, Modern Languages, Linguistics, or English Teaching
  • PRC’s Certificate of Teacher’s Qualification preferred
  • TEFL/TEFOL/CELTA Qualification preferred
  • CEFR C2 level of English (mastery) ?
  • Strong organizational skills and close attention to detail ?
  • Ability to work to tight deadlines
  • High level of industry knowledge and academic expertise ?



学乐教育集团自2005年进驻中国以来,与国际教育专家紧密合作,结合先进研究结果与创新技术,为全球儿童打造综合学习课程。凭借丰富的学术资源与专业经验,“学乐英语”已经成为中国英语教育行业的引领者。现在,学乐已在全中国包括北京、上海、广州在内的各级城市,开设了近300家教学中心及教学点。 多年来,学乐通过科学先进的教学体系帮助众多4-18岁的儿童及青少年全面提高听、说、读、写各项英语能力。在中国,每家教学中心都配有一座标志性的学乐原版英文图书馆,内含千余册原版儿童及青少年英文原版书籍供孩子们免费借阅。所有图书均经过Lexile蓝思分级,为不同英语程度的学员提供了丰富的课外读物。学乐相信让孩子从小养成阅读的好习惯,不仅有助于孩子学好英语,拓展知识面,还为他们打开了一扇通往精***的大门。在学乐,我们不仅教授孩子扎实的英语技能,更注重培养他们优秀的品质。正因为如此出色的教学成果,学乐英语品牌被越来越多的家长喜爱和推崇。


  • Email:hr@scholastic.com.cn
  • 公司地址:地址:span武兴路与武兴四路交叉路口东侧