兰州 [切换城市] 兰州招聘兰州人力资源招聘兰州招聘经理/主管招聘



  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:教育/培训/院校


  • 发布日期:2017-12-08
  • 工作地点:上海-徐汇区
  • 工作经验:无工作经验
  • 职位月薪:1.5-2万/月
  • 职位类别:招聘经理/主管  


1. 全面负责海外事业部的团队建设;
2. 根据招聘计划选择适合招聘渠道,同时不断开发新的招聘渠道;
3. 协助完善招聘制度、招聘体系及招聘流程;
3. 负责做好招聘分析工作,优化招聘流程,缩短招聘周期,提高招聘效率;
4. 完成公司关键岗位的招募以及年度校招招募,通过甄选、面试、测评等方式选拔中、高级人才。

1. 本科及以上学历,英语流利;
2. 具有五年以上招聘工作经验,能独立负责招聘工作;
3. 熟悉招聘流程,熟练运用各种招聘工具和方法,丰富的招聘经验及技巧,熟悉国家相关法律法规;
4. 具有良好的职业道德和职业操守及良好的团队合作意识。

职能类别: 招聘经理/主管


Abilix Home是全球教育机器人领导品牌——能力风暴教育机器人旗下的校外培训品牌,主要致力于青少年机器人培训、机器人竞赛以及科技教育交流等方面。Abilix Home是青少年以全球领先的教育机器人为平台,锻炼成功能力的家。



ABILIX HOME与清华大学合作,邀请机器人领域的专业教授担任机器人课程设计和WER竞赛课程顾问,并由十年以上教学经验的一线教师组成团队,致力于能力风暴课程体系与价值的研究。
Shanghai PartnerX Robotics Co., Ltd, who is the creator and leader of robotics partner, was founded in 1996. PartnerX Robotics has 5 brands, Abilix, YIRO, EVOX, INNOX and DRAGONGUARD.

Abilix is the creator and leader of educational robots in the world. It released the first educational robot named AS-M in 1998. Abilix serves more than 31 countries and 20,000 schools in the world. There is Abilix home which dedicates itself to provide the robotics training for cultivating students’ success ability and supply educational robots for households. Abilix is also the official platform of the World Educational Robots (WER) contest.

YIRO is the pioneer of domestic robot. PartnerX, whose dreams that everyone in the world can have a robotics partner, commits itself to providing intelligent robots to household.

EVOX is the pathfinder of industrial robot+. PartnerX started the study on internet-based modular industrial robots in 2005. The aim of EVOX is to develop a new generation industrial robot, which is more modularized, intelligent, interconnected and efficient, and to set up an industrial robots+ ecosphere.

INNOX is the leader of robotics research. It focuses on providing an open platform with cutting-edge robots for researchers to study technology and science on. INNOX is serving more than 300 universities and scientific research institutions around the world.

DRAGONGUARD is the global inaugurator of individual military robot, which is a kind of diminutive land and air applicable military robot for military investigation, monitoring, explosive-removal and even attack.

5 brands, 1 industrial direction, PartnerX, zeroes in on the partner robot development, which is worth over $100 billion annually. The mission of the 5 brands is to continuously enlarge the total economic output of the said industry and make it a No.1 brand in the world which shoots up by double turnover year by year.


  • Email:hr@xpartner.cn
  • 公司地址:上班地址:钦州北路1122号90幢8楼