- 公司规模:150-500人
- 公司性质:外资(欧美)
- 公司行业:贸易/进出口 服装/纺织/皮革
- 发布日期:2013-03-31
- 工作地点:江门
- 招聘人数:1
- 工作经验:三年以上
- 学历要求:本科
- 语言要求:英语
粤语 - 职位类别:生产经理/车间主任 生产计划/物料管理(PMC)
职责和权限Responsibilities & Authorities:
作为经理的职责和权限Leadership authorities and responsibilities:
1、 领导、全权负责本部门的日常工作,并控制整个部门的工作进度。
Take the leadership and full responsibility for the daily work of his/her own department; control the working progress of the whole department.
2、 合理安排、管理本部门的全体员工;定期对员工从工作量、工作效率、工作态度以及耗材等方面及进行评审,做到有理有据、奖罚分明。
Make reasonable arrangement and manage all the employees of his/her own department; conduct regular review on the work load, efficiency, attitude and material consumption for its employees and make sure that punishment & rewards are matched with the actual performance with firm evidence.
3、 定期对本部门员工进行包括专业技术、职业操守以及安全生产等方面培训,并做培训有效性评估。
Organize regular trainings to its employees of his/her own department on technical skills, working ethics and production safety and conduct the appraisal regarding the effectiveness of the training.
4、 协助制定长期 / 短期人力资源计划和招聘以及根据订单情况安排不同部门之间的人事调动。Assist in the drafting of short/long term personnel planning, recruiting and arranging the personnel transfer between different departments according to the order situation
5、 保持与各部门课长以及厂部经理的沟通畅顺,遇到问题在亲自确认后及时、主动提出,并积极寻求解决办法。
Maintain a smooth communication with other department supervisors and factory managers; in case of any problem, identify & confirm the real situation, raise up the questions timely and proactively and seek for the solutions actively.
6、 在管理范围内,如需要(例如其它部门或上司需要协助时)则必须积极给予支持,不得推诿。
Give active support in his own administration field when necessary (for instance, when the other department or his superior needs help) and never dodge.
7、 保守公司在技术、商业以及行政管理等方面的机密。
All the confidential information in technical, business, administration, management, etc areas must be kept secretly.
8、 依照5S管理方法,做好现场工作环境的管理。
Practice the management of the working environment according to 5S.
9、 加强生产加工过程的控制,降低损耗。
Strengthen the work-in-process control and reduce the consumption.
10、 认真贯彻早会制度,做好与下属的互动,保证上下级之间信息的交流。
Conscientiously follow the rule of morning meeting; have good communication with the subordinates and thus ensure the proper information flow.
本部门专职Special Tasks and Responsibilities:
11. 完成生管部所计划的出货数量;
Finish the delivery quantity planned by PMC department;
12. 领导、监督生产部各成员完成所指定工作及责任;
Guide and supervise the production staff to achieve their tasks and fulfill their responsibilities;
13. 按质量规定, 保持产品质量;Maintain the quality of products according to the quality standard;
14. 处理生产部的技术问题,与产品管理部和生产计划部一起分析问题并找出问题的解决方案Handle the technical problems of production department; Analyze the problem and find the solution together with the product management department and production planning department.
15. 按规定保持及提高单位产能。Maintain and improve the productivity according to the rules
16. 与产品工程部找出最理想之生产工序。Find the most ideal working steps with the E&D department.
17. 完成上司交待的其它事务。Finish other tasks assigned by the superior.
岗位要求Qualification requirements:
学历Education background:高中或以上文化程度 Senior middle school or above.
工作经验Work experience:从事箱包制造5年或以上工作经验
Have more than 5 years experience in bag manufacturing industry。
工作技能Work skills:
Familiar with the processing working steps of bags。
Have good communication and coordination skills;
Have more than 3 years of management experience in small and medium sized enterprise。
其他Others:责任心强 Strong sense of responsibility.
公司以敬业、务实、品质、创新为四大企业信条,秉承规范化、制度化、人性化和谐统一的经营理念,在科学的管理体系推动下,经过多年的努力,公司业务正在不断的飞跃,我们以优质的产品、合理的价格得到了广大客户的好评和垂青。希望钻石手袋厂能成为您成功的一部分 。
- 公司网站:http://www.mueller-und-meirer.com/index.html
- 公司地址:广东省江门市江海区滘头工业区滘兴北路19号
- 邮政编码:529100