杭州 [切换城市] 杭州招聘


  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:合资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:贸易/进出口  快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)



Badel & Tadee Wine Company LLC is the first joint venture company between Croatia and China. It is a win-win cooperation between Tadee Holding Group Co., Ltd and Badel 1862 d.d. that devots to creating a high-end and hot brand of imported wines, spirits and alchoholic drinks, to bringing high quality products to domestic customers with favorite price.

克罗地亚坐落于地中海最美丽的水域——亚德里亚海,素有“千岛之国”、“地中海的明珠”等美誉,这个美丽的国度不仅拥有奇特而丰富的自然与人文遗产,还有悠久的葡萄种植及葡萄酒酿造历史。得天独厚的葡萄种植地理位置——北纬45°(和法国波尔多同纬度、与意大利隔海相望),温和的海洋性气候和充足的日照使克罗地亚葡萄品质优良,种类繁多,盛产Dingac 、Postup、 Teran、 Plavac Mali等优质酿酒葡萄。

Located in the most beautiful water areas of the Mediterranean---- the Adriatic Sea, known as " the Thousand Island Country" and "the Pearl of the Mediterranean", this beautiful nation not only owns peculiar and rich natural and cultural heritages, but also has a long history of grape growing and wine blewing. The advantaged geographical location for growing grapes---- 45 °north latitude, has the same latitude as Bordeaux in France and faces with Italy across the sea; The mild sea climate and abundant sunshine produce a wide range of high quality grapes, especially the following vine grapes: Dingac, Pstup, Teran, Plavac Mali, etc.

Badel 1862股份有限公司是克罗地亚最大、历史最悠久(150年)的葡萄酒、烈酒和酒精饮料生产商,是拿破仑三世时期法国宫庭贡酒的供应商,继承于著名的四家公司——Pokorny, Patria, Arko和Badel Vinoprodukt并发展成为克罗地亚葡萄酒行业的支柱企业。总部坐落于首都萨格勒布,分公司遍布波黑、塞尔维亚、马其顿等国家。年产量占克罗地亚的烈酒市场的50%和葡萄酒出口总量的70%。

Badel 1862 is the largest and oldest (with a history of 150 years) wines, spirits and alcoholic beverages producer in Croatia and is well-known as a tribute wine supplier for Royal Palaces as early as in the Napoleon III period, continuing and cultivating the rich tradition inherited from the renowned companies Pokorny, Patria, Arko and Badel Vinoprodukt by the quality of its products. Now, it has been a pillar enterprise of Croatian wine industry. The headquarter is located in the capital Zagreb and the branches spread all over Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and other countries. The annual output takes up 50% market share on the Croatian spirits market and a share of 70% in the overall Croatian wine export.

Badel 1862旗下品牌屡次荣获国际大奖,如:“2011布鲁塞尔国际评酒协会金奖”,“2011法国国际烈酒银奖”,“2011伦敦国际葡萄酒挑战赛铜奖”,“2007德国国际葡萄酒大奖赛金奖”,“2007法国品醇客世界葡萄酒大奖赛银奖”等奖项,部分酒品更是得到著名酒评家罗伯特.帕克的推荐。

Most brands of Badel 1862 won the international awards repeatedly, such as: gold award of " Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2011", silver award of "Vinalies Internationales Paris 2011", bronze award of "International Wine Challenge - London 2011", gold award of "MUNDUS vini 2007 Germany", silver award of "Decanter 2007 London", etc. Part of the wines even recommended by the famous wine critic Robert Parker.


  • 公司地址:上班地址:西湖大道35号万新大厦1号楼20层


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
销售内勤 杭州-上城区 2017-04-19 2人
品牌经理 杭州-上城区 2014-05-05 1
商务助理 杭州-上城区 2014-04-29 1
销售助理/大客户维护 杭州-上城区 2014-04-29 1
商务助理 杭州-上城区 2014-04-29 1
大客户经理 厦门 2013-10-28 若干
市场企划主管 杭州 2013-05-16 1
会所公关经理 杭州 2013-05-16 2
销售助理 杭州 2013-05-16 若干
葡萄酒顾问 杭州 2013-05-16 5
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