杭州 [切换城市] 杭州招聘


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:奢侈品/收藏品/工艺品/珠宝


CIRCLE定位品质佩戴精品珠宝,承袭“Connect, Colorful, Classic, Cherish”为核心的品牌4C理念,始终关注客户多样化的情感需求,甄选全球高品质原材料,以珠宝为形,帮助客户构建表达内心和丰富自我的桥梁,陪伴客户圆满自我——一切只为“CIRCLE YOUR LIFE圆你所愿”。CIRCLE始终以关注***多样化的情感需求为己任,坚持帮助客户构建自我表达,连结自我与多样世界,让经典跨越性别和国界。 CIRCLE珠宝致力于把时尚,品质和珠宝的结合带给消费者,满足了他们对于珠宝的时尚佩戴需求;同时也将日本匠心工艺注入每一件珠宝,满足客户对生活质感的诉求,在细节之处彰显独到的时髦态度。基于品牌对独特设计和精致工艺的坚持,CIRCLE自创立以来一直深受时尚媒体好评:Vogue、ELLE、芭莎珠宝、OK!精彩、InStyle、周末画报、腾讯时尚、凤凰时尚等一线时尚媒体争相报道;2021年CIRCLE获得Madame Figaro“年度风尚质感品牌”大奖。 截止2021年4月,CIRCLE已在日本东京、中国北京、上海、杭州、广州、武汉开设9家线下精品店,覆盖一线城市核心商圈;在天猫、天猫国际、京东、考拉海购等线上平台均设有官方旗舰店。未来三年,CIRCLE预计将在亚洲市场开设30-50家线下门店,全面布局销售网络。 随着CIRCLE在中国市场的快速发展,我们需要有更多伙伴加入我们,与CIRCLE共成长,将“Circle Your Life”的品牌精神传达给更多的亚洲消费者。 欢迎加入CIRCLE,与我们一起“Circle Your Life”。

CIRCLE, founded in 2014, leads new trends in jewelry with Japanese design and craftsmanship.
As brand’s 4C core concept, ‘Connect, Colorful, Classic, Cherish’, together complete the ‘circle’ of the CIRCLE brand, as well as represent the ‘circle life’ of every woman. The 4C core concept embodies the meaning of connecting with natural creativity, embracing the colorful world, achieving classic quality, and cherishing the circle of life.
Designed by experienced Japanese designers and manufactured in Japan, CIRCLE integrates feminine energy into its design, follows strict selection criteria for all materials and utilizes unique Japanese karat gold craftsmanship to create extraordinary jewelry using high quality natural diamonds, Akoya pearls, and colored gemstones. Hand-made with expert Japanese craftsmanship, each piece of jewelry evokes endless beauty and ingenuity.
Up to now, CIRCLE has opened 9 boutique stores in China and Japan, as well as online E-commerce platforms. In 2021, CIRCLE won the ‘Yearly Brand’ award by top fashion media Madame Figaro, for leading cutting-edge new jewelry trends with its unique designs and exceptional craftsmanship.


  • 公司地址:杭州市滨江区建业路511号华创大厦


职位名称 工作地区 更新日期 招聘人数
珠宝销售顾问 武汉-江汉区 2022-06-27
仓库主管 杭州-滨江区 2022-06-27