湖州 [切换城市] 湖州招聘湖州市场/营销招聘湖州市场/营销/拓展总监招聘

Marketing Director


  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:贸易/进出口


  • 发布日期:2016-11-07
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:5-7年经验
  • 职位月薪:20000-24999/月
  • 职位类别:市场/营销/拓展总监  市场/营销/拓展经理


For more information, welcome to contact Ms. Li at lihx@sunjoygroup.com anytime.

Marketing Director Job Description
Individual for this position should function as the company’s strategic visionary – leveraging various communications channels to improve awareness, market share, and revenue for the company and all of its product lines; be responsible for marketing direction, nurturing company brand, and helping develop strong relationships with customers; challenge with the task of telling great stories and showcasing company products in a way that “bends the bar” - redefining how people think about Sunjoy products; constantly look for ways to inspire creativity and enthusiasm in others and to solve problems effectively, and facilitate a culture of teamwork and collaboration. The individual is expected to think big and aim high, while keeping a close eye on the details; to work hard, collaborate effectively, and demonstrate passion.

? Markets current products and future new categories (under different and new brands) via various platforms and social medias
? Sets up company website for branding purpose; Promotes current brands and nurtures new brands
? Manages product images and videos for online platforms
? Maintains research database by identifying and assembling marketing information; Provides short- and long-term market forecasts and reports based on analysis and interpretation of market data
? Develops and recommends marketing plans and communications strategies for each product category; Influences present and future products by determining and evaluating current and future market trends
? Maintains relations with customers by organizing and developing specific customer-relations programs; Recommending company presence at conventions, trade fairs, and seminars
? Achieves financial objectives by developing and maintaining budget, and allocate resources amongst projects

? Solid experience in branding (both initiating a new brand and promoting existing brands), web building and marketing; Background in US home furnishing industry preferred.
? Ability to work under stress, multi-tasking and adaptable.
? Excellent communication, presentation, organizational and interpersonal skills.
? A committed and responsible team player with pleasant personality, self-motivated and resourceful.

职能类别: 市场/营销/拓展总监 市场/营销/拓展经理

关键字: marketing director online marketing branding manager web building 营销总监

举报 分享


盛基工业(嘉善)有限公司位于古代吴越文化发祥地之一 —嘉善。 嘉善历史悠久,人文资源丰富,自然风景优美。嘉善水乡如梦,古镇入画,田园可诗。有生活着的千年古镇--西塘;有七百年的文化古迹--吴镇纪念馆;有十里蓉溪水乡游--大云生态旅游区;有吴越名湖江南情--汾湖旅游度假区等。嘉善地理位置得天独厚,东邻上海80公里、西距杭州95公里、北靠苏州90公里,可谓面向大都市(上海)、紧靠大花园(杭州、苏州)。沪杭铁路、沪杭甬高速公路、国道320、318线穿境而过,上海虹桥国际机场、浦东国际机场、杭州萧山国际机场一小时左右均可抵达。公司注册资金3950万美元,是集研、产、销于一体的大型企业。公司占地560亩,其中:建筑面积近22万平方米,厂房面积超过17万平方米,计划用工人数为3000人左右。公司以生产金属类户外休闲用品为主,产品全部供应出口,是美国大型连锁零售商K-MART、WAL-MART、TARGET等的AAA级供应商。公司秉承以“服务人类社会、创造快乐生活”为使命,把“勤奋、严谨、争先、关爱”作为行为准则。倡导制度为基、以人为本。公司竭力营造公正、向上、和谐、互动的工作氛围。做到立即沟通、随时培训、持续学习、快乐工作,并严格按照国家各项法律法规开展各项经营活动,不断完善福利制度和绩效考核制度,在公司事业发展的同时为员工的个人成长拓展空间。我们坚信人力资源是企业经营、发展的源泉,“盛基”将是您施展才华的***舞台!


  • Email:lihx@dragonco.cn
  • 公司地址:地址:span嘉兴嘉善经济开发区武夷路1号