黄山 [切换城市] 黄山招聘黄山行政/后勤招聘黄山行政经理/主管/办公室主任招聘



  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:上市公司
  • 公司行业:环保


  • 发布日期:2017-03-07
  • 工作地点:北京
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:2年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:0.8-1万/月
  • 职位类别:行政经理/主管/办公室主任  



1. 负责组织起草内、外部公文、函件、通知、报告等,并负责文档的管理;
2. 负责建立健全公司各项行政规章制度,参与制定和完善其他管理制度;
3. 负责公司工商变更事务和档案管理;
4. 负责公司会议和员工活动的组织、策划;
5. 协调各部门的关系,做好内外部沟通;
6. 全面负责行政内务管理工作,包括但不限于:楼宇水电维修维护;办公环境优化、日常接待、安全保卫、公车服务管理、固定资产管理、库房管理等;
7. 完成上级领导交办的其他工作。

1. 统招大专以上学历,行政管理、文秘及相关专业毕业;
2. 3年以上相关岗位工作经验;
3. 会开车,1年以上机动车驾龄;
4. 熟练使用相关办公软件,熟悉行政工作流程,熟练使用各种办公自动化设备;
5. 具有较强的服务意识,熟练使用电脑办公软件,具备良好的写作能力、协调能力,沟通能力,工作细致耐心,有责任心,为人踏实,愿意和公司长期共同发展。

职能类别: 行政经理/主管/办公室主任

举报 分享


Introduction to E20 Environmental Platform
E20 Environment Platform [Stock code: 834016] originates from ChinaWater Net, which was founded in 2000. Anticipation, top-design capacity and collaborative innovation served as our core competence, we are hastening our transformation into an ecological platform company that provides industrial services and creates industrial ecosystems. Our mission is to help excellent corporations achieve leapfrog growth using the power of the platform and to promote the transformation and upgrading of the environmental industry. Based on our credibility and leadership, driven by our influence and guided by business logic, we are committed to providing in-depth and systematic industrial services and nourishing preeminent environmental enterprises.

E20 Environment Platform now owns several sub-brands, sub-platforms and organizations including ChinaWater Net, ChinaSolidWaste Net, ChinaAtmosphere Net, E20 Institute, E20 Forum, E20 Environmental Industry Club, China Water Supply Service Promotion Alliance(WSSPA), National Strategic Alliance for Technological Innovation of Sludge Treatment and Disposal Industry, Garbage Incineration Industry Promotion Alliance, Zhongyi Environment Hospital, etc.

Adhering to our principle “The highest good is like that of water; actions speak louder than words”, we are acknowledged as a bosom friend, a facilitator and the most influential platform of the environmental industry. Based on 15 years of accumulation in the environmental industry, our core resources and capability, we synthesize the intelligence and power of the industry and the entire society with a frank, open-minded, and win-win cooperative philosophy. We provide environmental protection companies with services in many domains: (i) basic services including website series, E20 Forum, E20 Institute and E20 Environmental Industry Club; (ii) partner services including strategy consulting, brand building, marketing communications, public opinion monitoring and resource integration; (iii) financial services including equity funds, direct investment and financial consulting; (iv) environment hospital providing services such as treatment scheme, security system, marketing system and financial support; etc. Till now, nearly 200 excellent environmental protection companies from the top 20% of all environmental niches have joined in E20’s high-end circle. Tens of thousands of professionals have been involved in our basic business activities. We also act as the consultant and assistant of the government in guiding the environmental industry.

 To adapt to our business architecture as an ecological platform company, E20 Environment Platform brings in top talents from different business areas as partners. In an ecological synergy pattern, we realize a circulation in our value chain connecting different business areas. We have also developed an excellent team of more than 80 staffs striving for innovation and trying to make a difference. With dreams and passion, E20 Environment Platform hope to go hand in hand with people of various circles to fulfill our deepest desires and longings for a green environment -one dream we all dream of.

Adress: Bldg. 25, YuquanHuigu Tsinghua Science Park, No.3 Minzhuang Rd., HaidianDist, Beijing
Phone: 010-88480300
Fax: 010-88480301
URL: http://www.e20.net.cn


电话: 010-88480300
传真: 010-88480301
URL: http://www.e20.net.cn


  • Email:hr@e20.net.cn
  • 公司地址:北京市海淀区闵庄路三号玉泉慧谷31栋