合肥 [切换城市] 合肥招聘合肥财务/审计/税务招聘合肥会计招聘



  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:事业单位
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


  • 发布日期:2017-07-04
  • 工作地点:上海-徐汇区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 学历要求:专业培训
  • 职位月薪:0.8-1万/月
  • 职位类别:税务专员/助理  会计


Job Summary:
? 负责税务及与税务相关的工作;应付账款,费用的入账等
? Responsible for tax and tax administration related work; booking into accounts and so on.

Key Responsibilities:
? 负责税务信息维护和记录;Responsible for the tax information maintaining and recording
? 准备纳税申报,税务报告,以及其他必要的报告,确保提交准确和及时; Prepare for tax declaration, tax affairs report, and other essential report accurately and timely
? 分析和评估纳税的合法性和有效性以确保公司纳税符合所有相关法律和制度;Analyze and evaluate the legitimacy and effectiveness of the tax in order to ensure that the company complies with all relevant tax laws and regulations;
? 配合税务及内外部审计工作; Assist in dealing with internal and external audit on the tax part;
根据会计准则完成税务及费用等帐务并确保在既定的截止时间前完成; According to the accounting standard, accomplish the account of tax and fee before the established deadline;
? 收集、校对并分析数据并完成相应的报告;Collect, check and analyze record and finish the account report in the monthly cut.
? 配合应付账款汇款周期既定目标的达成;Assist in remittance cycle of payable account to meet process performance and objectives.
? 完成上司指派的其他工作。Other tasks assigned by line manager

Personal Skills Requirements:
? 善于分析问题、并能快速地、独立地解决问题;Problem analyzing and problem solving and work independently
? 积极、细致、负责的工作态度,愿意主动承; Positive, prudent, responsible work attitude, willing to undertake responsibility
? 良好的沟通和执行能力;Good communication skills and executive ability.
? 高度的团队合作精神; Good team-work spirit
? 有强烈的学习和工作热情。Passion for learning and working

Technical Skills Requirements:
? 本科以上学历,3年以上贸易类公司相关工作经验;Bachelor degree or above, 3 years or above commercial company related work experience
? 熟悉ERP系统,有类似工作经验;Familiar with ERP and has related work experience
? 可以使用英语进行口头及书面的沟通;Good English writing and speaking communication skill
? 熟悉运用办公室软件。Familiar with Office software
? 了解中国税务法规和准则最好。Knowledge of Chinese law and standard of tax is better

职能类别: 税务专员/助理 会计

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  • Email:2529520236@qq.com
  • 公司地址:上班地址:北京市西城区西直门外大街112号阳光大厦7层