河源 [切换城市] 河源招聘



  • 公司规模:10000人以上
  • 公司性质:合资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


  • 发布日期:2019-08-06
  • 工作地点:北京-朝阳区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:无工作经验
  • 学历要求:硕士
  • 职位月薪:1-1.5万/月
  • 职位类别:其他


Job Summary职位概述:
The Medical Writing Specialist oversees delivery/provides input/review of key clinical documents for regulatory submission and other documents not limited to below:
? Clinical Study Documents
o Clinical study protocols
o Clinical study reports (CSRs)
o Informed consent forms (ICFs)
o Relevant Clinical Validation Plans
? Documents will cover all Roche Diagnostics in vitro diagnostic products to be launched in China, including Centralised and Point of Care, Molecular Diagnostics, and Diabetes Care.
? May oversee external vendors to provide writing service for internal MRA projects.
? Communication/Coordination/Contact point for MRA medical writer’s responsible documents.
? 临床研究文件
o 临床试验方案
o 临床试验报告
o 知情同意书
o 相关临床评价计划
? 文件覆盖所有在中国上市的罗氏体外诊断产品种类,包括中心和床旁管理、分子诊断、及糖尿病管理;
? 可监督外部供应商为MRA内部项目提供写作服务;
? MRA医学撰写团队负责文件的联系人/协调人/交流者。
Main Tasks & Responsibilities主要工作职责 :
1. For selected and high priority medical documents, oversees and manages the entire document and submission lifecycle. This includes kickoff meetings to define assignment scope (content, quality and timelines) with key stakeholders, document template/shell creation, internal review and approval processes (iterative QC checks, version control, team review and comments resolution, finalization and approvals).
2. Responsible for the on-time, properly formatted and high quality delivery of clinical study documents and relevant communications in accordance with all relevant company SOPs/procedures, regulatory requirements, and quality control systems/procedures.
3. Partners with internal and external SMEs and coordinates cross-functional collaborations/meetings to ensure completeness/accuracy in documentation and meet the defined quality, content and timelines.
4. Monitors quality of assigned work and performs consistent, frequent and through quality control checks.
5. Serves as the primary contact for assigned work and is accountable for ensuring successful completion, including an obligation to report any concerns or completion risks to the Medical Writing Manager.
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6. Effectively communicates and builds healthy working relationships with other Medical Writing team members and SMEs with whom he/she will work closely.
7. Successfully completes all assigned curricula and on-the-job training modules.
8. Conduct Other projects or tasks assigned by line manager
9. Conduct business in full compliance including but not limited to Roche Secure, Roche Behavior in Business, Roche Competition Law Interactive Dialogues, Roche Safety, Security Health and Environmental Protection
Basic Requirements of the Job基本任职资格:
Education& Qualifications教育背景与专业技能:
1. At least Master’s degree or equivalent in medical related, life science, pharmacology, clinical laboratory or biochemistry.
2. Knowledge and understanding of the clinical research process, including ICH GCP, and NMPA guideline for in vitro diagnostic test.
了解临床试验流程,包括ICH GCP和中国国家食品药品监督管理总局对体外诊断检测的指南。
3. Proficiency in reading and written English
1. Less than 3 years scientific research and/or medical writing experience in pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries.
3. Effective oral and written communication skills; able to get ideas across face-to-face, in group settings as well as in presentation
高效的口头及书面沟通技巧; 能够在面对面,小组设置和演示中获得想法
4. Experience working with different document management tools, sharepoint, templates, style guides and expertise with EndNote or equivalent.
Health Conditions 身体状况:
According to the "Quality Management Regulations for Medical Device Management" and the "Regulations on Quality Management of Pharmaceutical Products", health checks should be conducted at least once a year; if you have infectious diseases or other diseases that may contaminate medical devices or drugs shall not be engaged in related work.



北京外企德科人力资源服务上海有限公司(简称 FESCO Adecco 外企德科)是中国人力资源服务行业具竞争力和品牌价值的FESCO与全球人力资源服务行业领航者Adecco成立的一家中外合资人力资源服务企业,为企业及个人提供业务外包、人事服务、招聘猎头和员工福利等相关人力资源解决方案。

成立于1979年,FESCO拥有悠久的人力资源专业化服务历史、丰富的市场经验以及完备的服务资质,是中国人力资源服务行业的领跑者,Adecco则是全球人力资源行业的巨头,服务网络遍布全球60多个国家和地区。FESCO Adecco成立后,双方通过优势互补,整合了客户资源,依托全球化的资源和服务平台,融合本土网络优势,扩大了业务范围,为客户提供全方位的业务流程外包(BPO)、财务外包与薪酬管理、人事委托/人事派遣、全球化派遣、人才招聘/RPO相关服务、健康福利与弹性福利等人力资源解决方案。合资后的FESCO Adecco飞速发展,并且在浙江、重庆、深圳、苏州设立了分支机构。目前,FESCO Adecco在中国每天服务达100万名员工,服务客户近12,000家。

FESCO Adecco致力于成为***的人力资源全面解决方案提供商,成为客户最值得信赖的人力资源合作伙伴。为客户打开通向国际市场及创新型人力资源服务模式的大门,推动中国乃至全球的人力资源外包产业的健康发展。


  • Email:recruitment@circassia.com
  • 公司地址:天目西路128号嘉里不夜城企业中心***座19楼