东莞 [切换城市] 东莞招聘东莞生产/营运招聘东莞生产计划/物料管理(PMC)招聘

Product engineer / 产品工程师


  • 公司规模:10000人以上
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:批发/零售


  • 发布日期:2013-03-26
  • 工作地点:深圳
  • 招聘人数:1
  • 工作经验:二年以上
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语熟练
  • 职位类别:生产计划/物料管理(PMC)  服装/纺织设计


My Job Objective
I design and develop international and innovative products that meet my passion brand's users' needs, and guarantee the product quality, optimise the costs, improve development lead-times and reduce environmental impact

My Responsibilities
I design and develop my products (and branding), and approve the industrialised result.
-I design: design is about formalising a product idea, to validate a concept
-I develop: development enables us to approve the product creation
-I agree the master sample from industrialisation

I ensure my products are compliant and of quality.
-I observe current standards and regulations.
-I apply the accreditation references specific to my process.
-I apply the company's distinction strategies (ready to sell, units per batch optimisation, rfeas, sizing).
-Right from the design stage, I forecast repair, maintenance, packaging and after-sales for my products.
-I build a self-inspection plan and apply it from implantation.
-I manage my product quality using quality indicators and the faulty products bank.
- I deploy a continuing improvement approach to quality issues on my products linked to design, and explore technical solutions (repair etc.).

I oversee the technical development of my products.

I coordinate technical product development.
-I produce a development (and industrialisation) micro-schedule with my project stakeholders, and oversee accuracy and lead-time reductions.
-I write up and agree my commitments (technical/price/time solution) at the go/no go.
-I forecast the resources (manpower and financial) for my projects and manage my suppliers (internal and 3rd party).
-I produce a dashboard for my design activity and manage its performance.

I manage my design and innovation strategy.
-For each of my product families, I produce my TDP (target design policy) based on my passion brand's master plan, our technical strategies, and the components and finished products TPP.
-I reference the priority innovation and environmental directions for my products alongside my product manager, the innovation relay and environment relay.
-I decide the technical profile (product and/or process) of my target suppliers.
-I draft and manage cooperation contracts (component development plan, R&D services).
-I know and use the means for legal protection (contracts, due diligence, Soleau envelope, patent applications, etc.).
-I produce, manage and communicate a technical forecasting plan.

Profile required/to develop (job and behaviour skills)
-Command of English is essential.
-Technical expertise.
-Thorough approach.
-Aptitude for sideways management.
-Ability to project/anticipate.


迪卡侬是一家集运动用品研发、设计、品牌、生产、物流及销售为一体的全产业链集团公司。集团由Michel LECLERCQ先生于1976年在法国创立,截止于2020年1月,已于全球6大洲开设1623家门店,团队人数超9万名,服务61个国家和地区的顾客。 ?集团拥有法国领先的产品设计和研发中心,每年推出3000种以上新产品,自有品牌数量超过30个,产品覆盖山地运动、水上运动、自行车轮滑滑板运动、球拍类和高尔夫运动、健身运动、自然运动和团队运动等几乎所有大众运动。商场内自有品牌产品占比超过85%。集团生产线遍布全球21个国家或地区,其中超过40%的产品来自于中国。





  • Email:jingyu.guan@decathlon.com
  • 公司地址:迪卡侬