东莞 [切换城市] 东莞招聘东莞工程/机械/能源招聘东莞产品规划工程师招聘

Electronic product engineer 电子产品工程师


  • 公司规模:10000人以上
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:批发/零售


  • 发布日期:2012-08-15
  • 工作地点:深圳-南山区
  • 招聘人数:1
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语熟练
  • 职位类别:项目经理/主管  产品规划工程师



I design and develop my products (and branding), and approve the industrialized result

1. Characterize the functional requirements and translate them in a product concept with design contributors (R&D, Designers, Components)

2. Operate the choice of architectures and materials during product development

3. Approve the macro techno-economic feasibility (go/no go) on my projects

I ensure my products are compliant and of quality.

1. Master and observe current standards and regulations related to my products

2. Right from the design stage, I forecast repair, maintenance,packaging and after-sales for my products

3. manage my product quality using quality indicators and the faulty products bank

I oversee the technical development of my products.

1. Build up development (and industrialization) micro-schedule with my project coordinators, and oversee accuracy and lead-time reductions

2. Forecast the resources (manpower and financial) for my projects and manage my suppliers (internal and 3rd party)

3. Draw up a dashboard for my design activity and manage its Performance

I manage my design and innovation strategy

1. Build up my TDP (target design policy) based on customer's master plan, our technical strategies, and the components and finished products TPP (target process policy)

2. Draft and manage cooperation contracts (component development plan, R&D services)


- Bachelor degree, major in Electronic or Information technology

- Fast consumed electronic product design background such as MP3, GPS, Walkie talkie......

- 2 years working experience on electronic development project management is a must

Once worked as development project leader or manager is preferred

- Know how on "design to quality".


迪卡侬是一家集运动用品研发、设计、品牌、生产、物流及销售为一体的全产业链集团公司。集团由Michel LECLERCQ先生于1976年在法国创立,截止于2020年1月,已于全球6大洲开设1623家门店,团队人数超9万名,服务61个国家和地区的顾客。 ?集团拥有法国领先的产品设计和研发中心,每年推出3000种以上新产品,自有品牌数量超过30个,产品覆盖山地运动、水上运动、自行车轮滑滑板运动、球拍类和高尔夫运动、健身运动、自然运动和团队运动等几乎所有大众运动。商场内自有品牌产品占比超过85%。集团生产线遍布全球21个国家或地区,其中超过40%的产品来自于中国。





  • Email:jingyu.guan@decathlon.com
  • 公司地址:迪卡侬