东莞 [切换城市] 东莞招聘东莞物流/仓储招聘东莞物流专员/助理招聘

美企招 import operations/进口


  • 公司规模:1000-5000人
  • 公司性质:上市公司
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


  • 发布日期:2020-10-22
  • 工作地点:上海-浦东新区
  • 招聘人数:若干人
  • 工作经验:2年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语熟练
  • 职位月薪:1-1.5万/月
  • 职位类别:贸易/外贸专员/助理  物流专员/助理


·         Assist the Canadian division by managing programs and working to improve the onboarding cycle time

·         Assist the Canadian merchandising dept. through attending PLRs, running proformas, and working with cross-functional teams to assist program execution

·         This position requires developing databases(Access + Excel) if needed to help discover any potential data integrity issues and drive productivity

·         Identify and mitigate risks to deliver programs and product on-time, including supplier delivery.

n 50%, Manage and follow up the on boarding process, from program initiation, kickoff, to follow-up with multiple cross-functional teams (product & packaging engineering, sourcing, 3rd party service provider and so on)

n 10%, partially fulfillment which focus on Containerization Form submit timeline and completeness.

n 15%, Support the Canadian merchandising dept. by attending PLRs (Product Line Review) and OTB (Open To Buy) project/event, running proforma (landing cost) for the cost comparison to support business decisions.

n 25%, maintaining matrix data (including but not just limit to "on boarding cycle time", "Containerization form", Pre-Purchase-Testing tracking) and conduct monthly vendor/factory visiting concentrate on poor performance for boarding cycle time and fulfillment. Work out the CAPA plan with vendor/supplier to dig out the root cause to improve the cycle time.

n At least 3-5 years of experience in project/process management.

n Proficient in Excel, Access will be a plus

n Detail oriented, eager to learn, flexible

n Good communication and interpersonal skills, both inside the company and externally with suppliers.

n Good English communication skill, both spoken and written

n Knowledge of factory operations/production management a plus.


作为亚洲*的整体招聘解决方案提供商,科锐国际成立于1996年,在全国34个*城市拥有分支机构,有超过700名专业招聘人员。自公司成立*今,科锐国际一直致力于在17个相关行业与领域中为客户提供*质的服务,以满足客户在所有层次的招聘需求。我们的全方位一站式招聘整体解决方案,为众多客户提供了多样的服务产品,业务涉及长期雇员招聘( 猎头)、招聘流程外包、灵活用工、校园招聘、专业招聘咨询服务、招聘管理学院等服务领域。科锐国际的客户80%来自世界知名集团,20%来自国内上市公司、快速成长性企业及非赢利组织。在过去的一年中,科锐国际成功为企业推荐的长期雇员及派遣雇员总数超过万人,中*专业职位及管理职位超过4500个。
科锐国际于2004年进军香港市场并与来自欧洲和其它地区的战略伙伴开展紧密的合作,开始在国际市场上全面亮相。2008年,科锐国际获得了全球知名风险投资公司-经纬创投( Matrix Partners )的注资。2009年,科锐国际荣获“福布斯中国潜力企业”称号及“2009中国先锋人力资源服务商-*猎头机构”称号。2010年,科锐国际荣获CHINA STAFF杂志“年度*招募公司”称号。2011年,科锐国际荣获HROOT“ *招聘机构称号”。


  • Email:EmmaXian@careerintlinc.com
  • 公司地址:地址:span华贸中心