东莞 [切换城市] 东莞招聘



  • 公司规模:150-500人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:服装/纺织/皮革


  • 发布日期:2020-12-24
  • 工作地点:东莞-虎门镇
  • 招聘人数:若干人
  • 工作经验:在校生/应届生
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 职位月薪:3-4.5千/月
  • 职位类别:直播销售  网络销售/在线销售



1. 有质量完成直播销售工作,熟悉销售技巧及负责产品讲解和展示。提前熟悉产品知识和品牌文化特点,促成销售转化,引导粉丝购买情绪,实现每周直播目标达成。

2. 能与粉丝良好互动,积累忠粉,会调动直播间气氛,提高粉丝对品牌粘度。

3. 协助场控把控直播节奏和中场休息时间。

4. 整理规划好每场直播的货品及销售法式、优惠情况,提前与技术做好货品直播后台上架排练,现场道具摆放调整,能自觉操作直播工具,进行现场直播调整,及灯光位置调整。

5. 每次直播完进行复盘,与项目主管提出自身的建议,一起改善用户的直播体验。


1. 20-35岁,形象好,普通话标准,有做过主持或销售直播经验优先;

2. 身高160以上,身材比例好,审美好,会搭配衣服。

3. 有个人表现风格,有想法,会直播标准用语和直播工具操作。

4. 有团队精神,有责任感,心态阳光正能力。


1. (底薪+绩效+提成)

2. 社保、年假、全勤奖、工龄奖。

3. 定期专业课程培训+专业岗位技能培训。

4. 不定期团建活动。

5. 员工节日礼品。

6. 高级、时尚、舒适的工作环境。


1. 灵活、自由、以个人成长为主。团队合作精神强、关系友好、不定期下午茶聚餐。

2. 有死磕精神,越战越勇。




   卡蔓企业旗下拥有CARMEN SANOS A.DESIGN和柏缇四个独立的服装系列品牌,均在女装市场享有盛誉。

Company profile
Established since 1997 ,Ka Man International Fashion Company Limited develops consistently by the enterprise spirit of practical,efficient,people oriented with fashionably creadtivity,which has made the brand as one as one of a kind among the industry ,a brand for pursuing the dream of feminine passion to global trend
In oeder to speed up the pace of internationalizing management,the enterprise headquarters in Hong Kong has set up a brand management center in Mainland China for vertical marketing ,as well as a line of merchandise that includes research and development ,production and logistic at heart of women fashion ,Humen Town,As a result,the brand possesses more than hundreds of branches or sales points in Mainland China and Southeast Asia nowadays.
Carmen,Sanos.A.Design and Baiti are different individual brands built under the umbrella theme of the enterprise spirit by Ka Man International Fashion Company Limited ,all of them share a good reputation in women’s pret-a-porter market .while the collection of Carmen catches the eyes of fashionista by her uniqer east meets west design.the essence of elegance yet passionate silhouette wins the heart of oriental stylistic ***.The brand Carmen received “Famous Chinese Brand Award”.”Outstanding Brand in Women’s Wear in GuangDong Province Award”and“Official Apparel Sponsor for TVB Miss chinese International Pageant”and other award .
For all ladies to experience the unique beauty of charming clothing.Ka Man International Fashion Company Limited has taken the act as a pioneer to sperad the energy and passion throughout the world.


  • Email:hrbp@carmenfs.com
  • 公司地址:东莞市虎门镇人民北路38号卡蔓中心10楼(虎门汽车总站前行200米) (邮编:523900)