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Inside Sales Regional Lead


  • 公司规模:10000人以上
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:汽车


  • 发布日期:2017-08-08
  • 工作地点:上海-浦东新区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:5-7年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:2-3万/月
  • 职位类别:销售经理  


The Role
A successful Inside Sales Manager at Tesla is a jack-of-all-trades. A leader, a mentor, a strategist, and an analyst. An Inside Sales manager takes ownership of their Regional Pre-Sales process, inclusive of lead generation, lead qualification, pipeline management and back-end sales operations.
The ideal candidate will possess superior interpersonal and communication skills with a data-driven approach to sales management. This person will facilitate the sales process with acute knowledge of our products, competition, and related industries such as alternative energy. An Inside Sales Manager will drive a diverse group of Inside Sales Advisors toward success and continue to coach and mentor his/her team for efficient and consistent output. Through education, inspiration, and process improvements, an Inside Sales Manager will advance the no-hassle, low-pressure Tesla sales experience and represent our brand with the highest integrity.
? Develop and coach a team of Inside Sales Advisors to meet and exceed sales goals.
? Monitor and report on team productivity including key performance indicators.
? Exceed dynamic monthly test drive and sales targets in cooperation with the field sales organization.
? Support field sales and management teams by leveraging Inside Sales and sales operations resources at Tesla headquarters.
? Optimize daily activity to maximize effective on-phone time, inclusive of pre-call planning and activity metric adherence.
? Suggest and support the implementation of new improvements to Inside Sales workflow, daily, weekly, and monthly reporting, and CRM system.
? Support the team by ensuring all necessary training materials and tools are readily available.
? Monitor individual development and maximize efficiency within the team.
? Provide evaluation, identify areas of improvement, and distribute active feedback to team to ensure a consistent output for your region.
? Act as an escalation point for customers with a variety of difficult customer service concerns
? Evaluate marketing activities based on a combination of anecdotal and qualitative evidence.
? Excel at identifying present issues within the business, forecast potential short/medium term concerns, and provide solutions.
? Self-motivated & passionate with ability to work effectively in a highly automated, rapid and ever-changing sales environment.
? Proactive, never-fail attitude in the face of adversity, ambiguous situations and a lack of direct oversight.
? Minimum 4 years’ experience within a progressive sales environment with strong emphasis on time and sales pipeline management
? Ideal Candidates will have 2+ Years’ experience managing a large-scale multinational Inside Sales team
? Proven record of building, maintaining, and expanding a diverse and cross cultural team
? A results-oriented attitude driven by exceeding targets
? Able to develop and motivate talent with a focus on delivering the best customer experience
? Proven ability to drive highly qualified conversions and tackle customer escalations
? Strong communication and relationship management skillset
? Ability to develop system and processes to scale; leading with a clear vision on sales strategies
? Analytical, passionate and a self-motivated, fundamental problem solver
? Proficient with standard corporate productivity tools (MS Office, Microsoft Excel)
? Experience with CRM systems, specifically Salesforce.com
? Valid China Driver’s License with a clean and safe driving record
? Strict adherence to Tesla’s information security policy and Non-Disclosure Agreement

Tesla (特斯拉) Motors 由一群硅谷工程师于 2003 年创立,他们要向全世界证明电动汽车比汽油动力车辆更好。具备瞬间扭矩、强大动力和零排放等特点,Tesla (特斯拉) 的产品可以说是完美无缺。每一代新产品的价格都更加亲民,从而帮助我们实现远大使命:即加快世界向可持续发展交通转变的过程。
Tesla (特斯拉) 不仅是汽车生产商,还是致力于能量创新的技术型和设计型公司。

请发送您的简历至 chinajobs@teslamotors.com

职能类别: 销售经理

举报 分享


特斯拉(Tesla)是一家2003年创立于美国硅谷的电动汽车及能源公司, 2010年在纳斯达克上市,产销电动汽车、太阳能板及储能设备。特斯拉的CEO是被誉为“硅谷钢铁侠”的埃隆?马斯克(Elon Musk),在这位传奇人物的带领下,特斯拉2021年8月首次上榜“世界500强”,截至此时在全球已销售电动汽车超过100万台,是全球新能源汽车销量***的公司。
特斯拉首先生产了Tesla Roadster这款零妥协的电动跑车,它直面并击败很多传统汽油动力跑车,赢得了第一批用户的认可;紧接着推出了价格相对低的高性能家用车辆——Model S与Model X,在全球范围内热销。紧接着特斯拉推出Model 3与Model Y这两款更加亲民的车型,以及Cybertruck电动皮卡、Semi半自动卡车,进一步扩充电动汽车产品线,满足各细分市场需求,并以更大的单位容积、更低的价格迈向更大的市场。


上海超级工厂承袭特斯拉颠覆、创新的互联网精神,拥有先进管理和制造经验,并依托中国完善的供应链体系,制造出领先全球的高品质智能电动汽车。目前生产车型为Model 3及Model Y,除了供应中国市场外还远销英国、法国、瑞士、日本、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡等国,受到海外车主的热烈欢迎和广泛赞誉。



Model S : 2021年6月10日特斯拉Model S Plaid在美国交付,其搭载了三台高性能电机,***功率可达1020马力,***时速达322公里/小时,百公里加速仅为2.1秒。
Model X :特斯拉Model X融合性能和实用性优势,拥有鹰翼门,超大尺寸全景式挡风玻璃和七个座椅等独特优势。同时,Model X拥有高达 2.268 吨牵引能力,以及宽敞的驾乘空间和储物空间。
Model 3 :2021年初全新Model 3正式亮相,带来多项升级。中国制造Model 3高性能版百公里加速达3.3秒,续航里程605公里(国标工况法预估)。
Model Y :中国制造Model Y于2021年1月1日正式登陆中国官网,标准续航版零百加速时间为5.6秒,双电机全轮驱动版为5.0秒,而高性能版则仅需3.7秒,为消费者提供了绝佳的驾驶体验。

特斯拉的宏伟使命、互联网基因和创业精神对国内外***科研人才和管理人才极具吸引力。根据国际著名的优信咨询(Universum)调查排名显示,2019年度对美国工科生最具吸引力的企业是马斯克创办的美国太空探索公司Space X,其次是马斯克领导的特斯拉公司,超越了谷歌、波音、苹果、微软、亚马逊等众多优秀公司。



  • Email:ChinaJobs@Tesla.com
  • 公司地址:上海市临港产业区江山路5000号 (邮编:100020)
  • 电话:13359517976