东莞 [切换城市] 东莞招聘东莞销售管理招聘

307销售-售后产品/Business developer-aftermarket


  • 公司规模:10000人以上
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:通信/电信运营、增值服务


  • 发布日期:2017-03-30
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 招聘人数:3人
  • 职位月薪:0.8-1万/月
  • 职位类别:销售管理  


Major Responsibilities 岗位职责
- Range management
The business developer will ensure the creation and management of his ERP product lines
? He/she will be responsible for the range development according to the PSA methods in direct relationship with logistics, technical and quality departments

? He/she will have to ensure that the different ranges:
- Meets the customer quality / price requirements
- Optimize the group margin
- Optimize the Nb product/turnover ratio

? He/she will optimize the product lifecycle management

? He/she will ensure with the logistic departments that:
- The stock rise is correctly configured
- The stock is correctly planned in order to deliver customer on promotional periods

? He/she will follow the performance of all his product lines and build the required indicators
? He/she will ensure that his ranges meet the needs of the customers through questionnaires.

- Pricing
The business developer will ensure the economic performance of his range in China
? He/she will setup the different channels prices ensuring its volume and turnover objectives
? He/she will conduct benchmarks on physical and online distributors
? He/she will setup the promotions on his product ranges and ensure the target realization

The business developer will ensure the economic performance of its ranges for ASEAN importers
? He/she will setup the importer’s PNE ensuring its volume and turnover objectives

- Cataloguing
The business developer will be responsible of the cataloguing quality of his product ranges on the different tools
? He/she will have to fill in the different PSA electronic catalogs
? He/she will have to ensure that the customer ( distributor catalog) if different are correctly filled
? He/she will have to continuously improve the cataloguing quality:
- Using network feedback
- Challenging suppliers

- Marketing
The business developer will have for the product lines he is in charge :
? He/she will develop sales support tools
? He/she will communicate on his range news internally/externally
? He/she will update the product website in china
? He/she will work on product training questionnaire

Technical Skills
专业技能 ? Rigorous
? Autonomous
? Advanced Excel skills
? Good communication skills
? Ability to get partners involvement in a project
? Results oriented
? Well organized with Analytical skills
? Being able to work together with other transversal departments

职能类别: 销售管理

举报 分享


Capgemini Engineering凯捷科技研发是全球工程研发 (ER&D) 服务的企业合作伙伴,基于其在数字化和软件领域的深厚行业知识及前沿技术积累,凯捷科技研发赋能客户实现数字世界和现实世界的融合,并结合集团其他部门的能力,加速其产业智能化的发展步伐。凯捷科技研发现有超过55,000名工程师和技术专家,遍布全球30多个国家,服务于航空、航天、国防、海军、汽车、铁路、基础设施与交通、能源、公用事业与化工、生命科学、通信、半导体与电子、工业与消费、软件与互联网等产业。

Capgemini Engineering是凯捷集团必不可少的一部分。凯捷是全球知名的企业合作伙伴,利用技术的力量改造和管理企业业务。其宗旨是通过技术释放人类能量,创造一个包容和可持续的未来。凯捷是一个负责任的多元化组织,在50余个国家拥有超过34万名团队成员。凭借其55余年的悠久历史和深厚的行业专业知识,在快速发展的云、数据、人工智能、互联连接、软件、数字工程和平台的创新世界推动下,凯捷深受客户信任,能够满足客户从战略、设计到运营的多方位业务需求。集团2021年全球收入为180亿欧元。


  • 电话:13309251030