高级JAVA开发000009 (职位编号:meituan000453)
- 公司规模:5000-10000人
- 公司性质:外资(欧美)
- 公司行业:互联网/电子商务 计算机软件
- 发布日期:2016-10-06
- 工作地点:上海
- 招聘人数:1人
- 职位月薪:20000-24999/月
- 职位类别:高级软件工程师
WEB 系统及后端服务的设计与开发,培养工程师。
2.2 年以上 Java 开发经验,精通 Java 及面向对象设计开发,对部分 Java 技术有深入研究,研究过优秀开源软件的源码并有心得者优先
3.熟悉常见设计模式,精通 Spring 框架、熟练使用至少一种 ORM 框架如 Hibernate、myBatis
4.精通 MySQL 应用开发,熟悉数据库原理和常用性能优化技术,以及 NoSQL,Queue 的原理、使用场景以及限制
5.研究过 http 协议、搜索引擎、缓存、jvm 调优、序列化、nio、RPC 调用框架等,并且有相关实践经验
6.参与过大型复杂分布式互联网 WEB 系统的设计开发者优先,拥有和工作年限相称的广度和(或)深度
职能类别: 高级软件工程师
大众点评网于2003年4月成立于上海。大众点评是中国领先的本地生活信息及交易平台,也是全球最早建立的独立第三方消费点评网站。大众点评不仅为用户提供商户信息、消费点评及消费优惠等信息服务,同时亦提供团购、餐厅预订、外卖及电子会员卡等O2O(Online To Offline)交易服务。大众点评是国内最早开发本地生活移动应用的企业,目前已经成长为一家移动互联网公司,大众点评移动客户端已成为本地生活必备工具。
截止到2014年第二季度,大众点评月活跃用户数超过1.3亿,点评数量超过3600万条,收录商户数量超过1000万家,覆盖全国2300多个城市及美国、日本、法国、澳大利亚、韩国、新加坡、泰国、越南、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、柬埔寨、 马尔代夫、 毛里求斯等国家和地区。
About Dianping
Dianping was founded in Shanghai in April 2003 as the very first website worldwide providing independent consumer ratings on local services. Today Dianping is China's leading local life information and trading platform. In addition to merchant information and consumer ratings, Dianping also offers group-buying, online restaurant reservation, take-out service, e-coupon promotions, and other online to offline services. With over 150 million accumulated users, Dianping APP has become an indispensable smartphone APP for Chinese consumers, and the most powerful online partner for local businesses.
Key Statistics
As of Q2 of 2014, Dianping had more than 130 million monthly active users, over 36 million reviews, and more than 10 million local businesses covering approximately 2,300 cities across China, and over 10 countries such as The United States, Japan, Australia, Thailand, etc.
As of Q2 of 2014, Dianping (including Dianping.com and Dianping mobile apps) had more than 6 billion page views monthly, out of which, over 80% comes from mobile users. Dianping's mobile apps have more than 150 million accumulate unique users.
Dianping is headquartered in Shanghai, China, with established branch operations in over 120 cities of China.
截止到2014年第二季度,大众点评月活跃用户数超过1.3亿,点评数量超过3600万条,收录商户数量超过1000万家,覆盖全国2300多个城市及美国、日本、法国、澳大利亚、韩国、新加坡、泰国、越南、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、柬埔寨、 马尔代夫、 毛里求斯等国家和地区。
About Dianping
Dianping was founded in Shanghai in April 2003 as the very first website worldwide providing independent consumer ratings on local services. Today Dianping is China's leading local life information and trading platform. In addition to merchant information and consumer ratings, Dianping also offers group-buying, online restaurant reservation, take-out service, e-coupon promotions, and other online to offline services. With over 150 million accumulated users, Dianping APP has become an indispensable smartphone APP for Chinese consumers, and the most powerful online partner for local businesses.
Key Statistics
As of Q2 of 2014, Dianping had more than 130 million monthly active users, over 36 million reviews, and more than 10 million local businesses covering approximately 2,300 cities across China, and over 10 countries such as The United States, Japan, Australia, Thailand, etc.
As of Q2 of 2014, Dianping (including Dianping.com and Dianping mobile apps) had more than 6 billion page views monthly, out of which, over 80% comes from mobile users. Dianping's mobile apps have more than 150 million accumulate unique users.
Dianping is headquartered in Shanghai, China, with established branch operations in over 120 cities of China.
- 公司地址:上班地址:中山市东区银通街银通商务203室