长沙 [切换城市] 长沙招聘长沙生物/制药/医疗器械招聘长沙生物工程/生物制药招聘



  • 发布日期:2014-05-30
  • 工作地点:杭州-余杭区
  • 招聘人数:若干
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 职位月薪:面议
  • 职位类别:生物工程/生物制药  其他


Job Purpose (State in one sentence the overall objective of the role)
职位设定的目的 (用一语句描述该职位的总的工作目标)
保质保量完成部门经理下达的流感病毒裂解疫苗收获液制备生产任务。Achieve the production task of flu virus vaccine.

Major Accountabilities (Describe the 5-7 main results of the role to be achieved)
1. 负责流感病毒裂解疫苗收获液生产:抽检、接种、培养、冷胚、收获、灭活工序操作,确保全年生产任务顺利完成。Responsible for production of flu virus vaccine: Sampling, vaccination, training, cold embryo, harvested, inactivated process operations ensure the annual production task
2. 根据经理助理下达的批生产指令,做好工序准备工作,保证生产顺利进行。Perform the preparation work to ensure the production
3. 生产操作过程中,严格按照GMP要求及相关SOP进行操作,做好相关记录,及时对生产过程中各种偏差及安全隐患进行上报。Strictly to GMP and SOP, standard record and report about all deviation and safety hazards
4. 负责生产操作间和包干区的日常卫生清洁,做好清场工作。Responsible for daily hygienic and cleaning
5. 负责生产设备的日常清洁及维护,确保所有设备正常运转。Responsible for daily cleaning and maintenance of equipments
6. 发挥团队精神,保持良好、积极的心态,以饱满的热情投入到工作中。Teamwork spirit and good attitude
7. 配合完成上级主管安排的其它任务。Accomplish the task from the leader.

Key Performance Indicators (Indicate how performance for this role will be measured)

1. 年度流感疫苗收获液生产任务完成100%。Completion of annual task is 100% 40%
2. 收获液质量符合工艺规程要求,合格率>90%。Quality of semi-finished products meets the process requirements, the qualified rate>90% 20%
3. 全年度无重大安全生产事故。No serious production accident all year 10%
4. 生产设备维护及时到位,故障率低,关键配件损耗不得超过近2年平均水平。Good equipment maintenance, low failure rate, loss of critical parts shall not exceed the average of the past 2 years 10%
5. 记录填写规范,卫生清洁、清场符合要求。Standard record, good hygienic conditions 10%
6. 参加公司及车间组织的培训工作,考核通过率100%。Participate in workshop training and pass rate is 100% 10%




  • Email:assistant.hr@novartis.com.cn