长沙 [切换城市] 长沙招聘长沙艺术/设计招聘长沙平面设计经理/主管招聘



  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)


  • 发布日期:2014-02-27
  • 工作地点:沈阳
  • 招聘人数:2
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 学历要求:大专
  • 职位类别:平面设计经理/主管  


1、 公司各品牌CIS系统规划及相应品牌色彩应用计划、视觉应用管理;
2、 广告平面设计、制作及其它图文处理;
3、 负责公司日常宣传、策划设计制作、公司展览会议布置;
4、 配合公司产品设计、外包装设计;
5、 与协作方沟通,保证各类宣传品的质量及其时间的把握,成功验收;
6、 利用自身的行业背景和知识,在设计和制作上有效的控制成本。


1、 有独立完成整个设计的工作能力;
3、 逻辑思维清晰,做事认真细致,表达能力强,具备良好的工作习惯;
4、 具备团队合作精神,有很强的上进心,组织能力强,能承受工作带来的压力;
5、 创意好,概念新,对色彩把握敏锐,具备把握不同设计风格的能力;



中国·北味集团成立于2004年4月,公司位于黑龙江省海林市经济技术开发区,是全国最大的以森林绿色资源为主,集种植、采摘、加工、销售以及国际贸易于一体的农业产业化企业集团。公司现有员工1400余人, 7个食品厂,1个标准化生产基地,总投资近3亿元人民币,系“黑龙江省级农业产业化重点龙头企业”、“全国重质量守信誉”单位。 Founded in April 2004, Beiwei Group of China is located in the economic and technical development zone of Hailin City in Heilongjiang Province. Based on forest resource, it’s the largest agribusiness group in China that involves planting, picking, processing, selling and international trade. With its investment totals nearly RMB 300 million, the corporation now has more than 1400 staff members, and owns 7 food products factories and 1 standardized production base. It is awarded as the “Heilongjiang Provincial Leading Agribusiness Enterprise” and the “National Unit of Quality and Credibility”. 集团旗下现有北味、森林鸟、彤润、齐鸣四大品牌,生产山珍菌菇类、糖果类、淀粉制品 、农产品、休闲食品、调味品6大系列300多种产品。其中数十款产品率先通过国家“绿色食品”认证、“有机食品”认证,“北味”品牌也相继被评为“黑龙江省著名商标”及“中国名优品牌”。 Beiwei Group boasts four major brands, namely Beiwei, Senlinniao, Tongrun and Qiming, which produce 6 product series with over 300 products including truffles, candies, starch-based products, agricultural products, snack food and condiment. Among them, scores of products have been authorized the state authentication of “green food” and “organic food”. The brand “Beiwei” has been awarded as the “Heilongjiang Provincial Brand” and “Renowned Brand of China” in succession. 把“营销力”作为企业的核心竞争力,是北味集团领跑市场并快速成长的制胜法宝。集团在东北政治、文化、经济中心沈阳市建立营销总部,下设销售分公司10余家,现有代理商200余家,销售网络遍布全国各个省市并出口日、韩、俄、澳及东南亚等国家,产品己覆盖全国主要大型商超、农贸市场及大量的VIP会员客户群。 The key for Beiwei Group to lead the market and stay on the track of rapid growth is to take “marketing power” as its core competence. The Headquarter of Marketing and Sales of Beiwei Group is established in Shenyang, the political, cultural and economic center of Northeast China. Besides, it has over 10 sales branches and more than 200 agencies, which enables its sales network to cover cities and provinces all over China and foreign countries including Japan, South Korea, Russia, Australia, Southeast Asian countries and so on. Its products are sold in the major supermarkets, open fairs all over China and reach a large number of VIP customer groups.


  • 公司网站:http://www.beiwei.cn/
  • 公司地址:辽宁省沈阳市和平区南五马路17号东大商巢3单元1202室
  • 邮政编码:110000
  • 联系人:孟女士
  • 电话:(024)83503500-8001