长沙 [切换城市] 长沙招聘长沙公关/媒介招聘长沙公关经理招聘

公关媒介经理 PR & Media Manager


  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:计算机软件


  • 发布日期:2015-02-03
  • 工作地点:北京
  • 招聘人数:1
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位类别:公关经理  


公关媒介经理 PR & Media Manager

职位描述 (Job Description):

1. Establish steady and sound communication with Public Media, and can develop all around media work in a successful and effective way.
2. Plan and organize some correlative Media News Conference;
3. Transfer correlative information; establish and maintain good company image and reputation, through nice communication with external public media and high level executives.
4. Actively involved into communication and coordination of the internal departments of the company; establish and improve the system of protection and management of the public relationship in crisis, with in-time maintenance, supervision and execution.
5. Responsible for the company’s interactive social network daily maintenance management.

职位说明 (Job Specification):

1. 突出的中英文沟通能力;
2. 有客户关系工作经验,具备优良的营销策划能力;
3. 具备较强的组织协调和沟通能力,团队协作精神、责任感和服务意识好;
4. 具备危机处理和压力管理的丰富经验和实践能力。
5. 形象气质佳,普通话标准,有良好的心理素质和谈判技巧,适应公关应酬,有广泛的社会资源;
6. 有二年以上国内或海外知名大企业公共或政府关系工作经验者优先;

1. Fluent communication skills in both English and Chinese.
2. Work experience in customer relationship; good marketing skill is a plus.
3. Strong ability in organization, coordination and communication; team work spirit; responsible and service oriented.
4. Abundant practical experience and in managing the crisis or emergency, and pressure.
5. Good looking, with standard Mandarin; well bearing capability and negotiation skill; adaptable at public affairs, comprehensive social resources is a plus.
6. Minimum two years experience in public or government relation department in State or foreign large scale enterprises is preferred.


自由飞越国际航空技术服务(北京)有限公司(Fly For Free international Travel Technical Service Co.,Ltd)是专注于国际机票在线旅行预订的技术公司。研发团队于2009年落户中关村高新企业创业园区,其自主研发的国际机票检索引擎目前已经可实时查询与预订全球7000多个城市的机票,并能在5分钟之内完成机票的检索、预订、支付,实现国际机票在线快速交易。通过国际机票实时在线比价搜索引擎技术,已经完全实现国际机票的所见即所得,使国际机票在线预订达到与国内机票预订一样的便捷。


  • 公司地址:地址:span双桥意菲克大厦A座105