长沙 [切换城市] 长沙招聘长沙咨询/顾问招聘长沙咨询员招聘

修补漆技术培训师/Refinish Technical Trainer(欧美独资公司,化工行业垄断企业,总部职位,发展良好)


  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)


  • 发布日期:2013-06-20
  • 工作地点:上海
  • 招聘人数:若干
  • 职位类别:专业培训师  咨询员


修补漆技术培训师/(Refinish Technical Trainer)




? 按照培训管理流程负责培训中心的安全运行。

? 按照培训计划和业务需求规划培训任务的实施。

? 按照课程大纲要求完成培训并确保其有效性和高质量。

? 准备培训相关的材料和设备,以及食宿交通联系等。

? 确保培训中遵照杜邦的安全标准并使用洽当的个人安全防护用品。

? 确保培训设施的正常运作和日常维护, 以及培训中心的5S 管理。

? 与车系培训部门及漆工保持经常沟通, 获取反馈信息并不断进行改善。

? 建立和及时更新培训学员的档案记录。

? 及时完成培训报告和培训反馈表, 能提出改进方案和合理化建议。

? 与内部团队及其他培训l师紧密配合,分享信息和经验。

? 按照培训需求开发培训教材和教具等。

? 指导和安排培训助理的工作。

? 支持培训中心的其他技术工作。


? 热爱修补漆培训工作。

? 有很强的学习能力,高中以上学历, 大学学历更佳。

? 身体健康状况良好,无呼吸系统病史,无剌激性气体过敏反应。

? 汽车修理厂喷漆车间工作经验优先考虑。

? 有很好的实际操作能力,可以独立完成各种涂装工艺的实际操作。

? 具有杜邦修补漆产品知识或熟悉车系1/2/3级涂装技术员培训者优先考虑。

? 具备强的涂装课程培训能力-理论讲解/实操指导/问题解答/技能评估/总结反馈等。

? 对颜色分辨清晰准确,无色盲/色弱,有一定的调色基础,可以独立完成调色培训。

? 熟悉涂装缺陷的产生原因和解决办法。

? 具有对培训的时间,效果,资源和计划等的调配能力。

? 有较强的语言表达能力和沟通能力,普通话标准,有英文能力更佳。

? 具有良好的团队合作精神和积极主动的独立工作能力。

? 有较好的电脑操作能力,掌握微软办公软件的使用。

? 可以经常出差。


? Follow standard operation process to run RTC safely and smoothly.

? Prepare and finish the training program per training plan and business needs.

? Finish training according to syllabus in an efficient and quality way.

? Well prepare the training facility and material, and trainee liaison for accommodation and transportation.

? Make sure the training is giving under DuPont safety standard and using proper PPE (personal protection equipment).

? Maintain training facility in good condition and meet 5S requirement.

? Keep contact with trainees and OEM training department to get feedback for continue improvement.

? Document and update trainee portfolio in time.

? Complete training report and feedback with suggestion and improvement solutions timely.

? Work close with internal team to share information and learning.

? Develop training related material and tools accordingly.

? Lead and guide training assistant.

? Support other technical activities in RTC.


? Willing to be a refinish trainer.

? Good learner with high school or higher education, bachelor in Chemical or Engineering is preferred.

? Good health and able to work in the paint environment.

? Working experiences in paint shop would be preferred.

? Skillful training knowledge in refinish theory/application/troubleshooting/skill assessment/summary and feedback.

? Knowledge of DuPont refinish product system and OEM level 1/2/3 painter training system preferred.

? Strong problem solving skills with paint defects.

? Good knowledge of color theory and color shading practice to do color training.

? Experienced skill in the measurement of training effects, training planning, resource allocation, and time management.

? Self-motivated, able to work independently under minimum supervision.

? Good command of Mandarin both verbal and writing, English preferred.

? Very good MS-Office application knowledge.

? Strong communication and presentation skills a must.

? Good team player with good interpersonal skills.

? Willing to travel frequent.


DB Talent is a European based recruitment company. Our Shanghai office opened in the 2001, and we have continually provided excellent professional service to our clients and candidates.


  • 联系人:resume
  • 电话:13701722965