- 公司规模:500-1000人
- 公司性质:外资(欧美)
- 公司行业:快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
- 发布日期:2021-01-04
- 工作地点:上海
- 招聘人数:1人
- 工作经验:5-7年经验
- 学历要求:本科
- 职位月薪:3-4万/月
- 职位类别:市场/营销/拓展经理
Job Purpose
- Contribute to drive powerful and scalable innovations on our strategic international brands, by bringing consumer-centric innovations to markets in a timely way and through efficient strategies proven from TLO approach.
- Contribute to develop and foster an innovation culture within the group
1. Build Strong Route to Consumer models implementing an Innovation roadmap for the 3 specific consumer segments to accelerate on bringing bold innovations to market:
· Being the Enabler creating structures and processes so that innovation can happen in the organization, being able to understand what’s in the middle between the product concept/idea (developed by the ideation team) and the final consumer
· Being the Activator developing & coordinating the strategic launch together with the market:
2. Contribute to design the Innovation roadmap to accelerate innovation pace in the region in context of Asia’s Transform 2030 agenda:
- Aggregate business needs and gaps in terms of Innovation
- Determine key priority projects (6/12/18/24 months plan) aligned with those.
3. Drive consumer centricity across the business and Foster strong collaboration and interaction within the Asia Innovation HUB, Brand Companies and Markets:
- Engage with Regional Market Cos, Brand Cos, Region, GBD and Commercial teams in-market and contribute to create a true consumer centric innovation community.
- Be a strong contributor of the design and implementation of the mid/long-term roadmap within the assigned markets to create a true consumer centric NPD and build sustained competitive advantage versus competition.
- Challenge / inspire on business opportunities and identify possible synergies and pain-points in markets for an on-going enrichment of global approaches with local specificities.
- Identify and share best practices to feed global Pernod Ricard Innovation and Marketing teams.
- Foster Innovation network (regular meetings, sharing sessions).
Job Requirement
Academic & Professional experience required
· Master’s degree
· At least 5y professional experience in consumer marketing including:
o strong track record on performance delivery and passion for the industry
o experience in trade/sales and with high understanding of financials
o strong experience in cross-functional / cross-markets / cross-brands project management
o experience in product development or strong understanding of operations processes will be a plus
· Languages: Both English and Chinese (strong business proficiency in written and verbal communication) are required.
保乐力加在全球烈酒和葡萄酒行业排名第二,2020财年合并销售额为84.48亿欧元。自1975年由Pernod和Ricard两家公司合并成立以来,集团通过快速有机增长和收购保持长期而稳定的发展,其中包括2001年收购施格兰部分业务,2005年收购联合多美,以及2008年收购Vin & Sprit。保乐力加拥有全球排名前100的烈酒品牌中的16大品牌,以及众多享誉世界的品牌,覆盖了丰富的产品门类,主要核心品牌包括:绝对伏特加(伏特加)、力加(茴香酒)、百龄坛、芝华士、皇家礼炮和格兰威特(苏格兰威士忌)、尊美醇(爱尔兰威士忌)、马爹利(干邑)、哈瓦纳俱乐部(朗姆)、必富达(金酒)、马利宝(力娇酒)、玛姆和美丽时光(香槟)以及杰卡斯、博岚歌、帝国田园和金舞(葡萄酒)等。保乐力加的品牌遍布全球160多个市场,并在73个市场拥有自己的销售团队。
保乐力加倡导的分权管理模式使全球19,000名员工都是集团“创享欢聚”愿景的代言人。正如集团在2018年实施的“转型驱动加速”三年战略中所强调的,保乐力加的战略重心是对所有利益相关方的长期收益增长进行投资,并坚持三大核心价值观,即:创业精神、相互信任以及道德感。此外,保乐力加还隆重推出了《2030企业社会责任行动方案》,和联合国可持续性发展目标同步,积极倡导“好时光,好地方”。为了表彰保乐力加对可持续发展和理性消费的长期承诺,Ecovadis授予集团黄金评级,Vigeo Eiris则在饮料业评比中将集团排在***。保乐力加也位列为联合国全球契约领袖公司(Global Compact LEAD)。保乐力加在纽约泛欧证券交易所(Euronext)上市(股票代码:RI; 证券号:FR0000120693),且是法国巴黎CAC 40指数的成员。
在中国,保乐力加是进口酒类国际集团中的翘楚。早在二十多年前,一些主要品牌如芝华士、马爹利、皇家礼炮就已进入中国市场,并逐步成长为中国进口烈酒市场的代表品牌。近几年对联合多美和Vin & Sprit的成功收购,进一步巩固了保乐力加在中国的地位。随着2005年百龄坛、玛姆、美丽时光、必富达、甘露和马利宝,2008年绝对伏特加以及2016年猴王47黑森林等品牌的加入,公司强大的产品组合得到不断丰富。
目前,保乐力加在中国拥有一家独资贸易公司 —— 保乐力加(中国)贸易有限公司,总部位于上海,分销网络覆盖全国,并在北京、广州、厦门、武汉等地设有分公司。
- 公司地址:天河区天河北路233号中信广场写字楼5701-04、07-08室
- 电话:13774209978