- 公司规模:500-1000人
- 公司性质:外资(非欧美)
- 公司行业:互联网/电子商务
- 发布日期:2020-10-21
- 工作地点:广州-番禺区
- 招聘人数:12人
- 工作经验:在校生/应届生
- 学历要求:本科
- 语言要求:英语
- 职位月薪:1-1.5万/月
- 职位类别:培训生
1、 全日制本科及以上学历,2021届应届毕业生,市场营销、电子商务、工商管理、金融学、经济学、广告传媒、心理学、数学、统计学等专业优先;
2、 热爱旅游行业,熟悉互联网产品,认可携程企业文化;
3、 流利的英语听说读写,沟通能力强,具备话语影响力,能够有效建立积累行业人际网络;
4、 目标清晰,工作主动性强,有责任心,勇于突破自我;
5、 乐于团队合作,有敏锐的洞察力及协同推进能力,大学期间在班级/学生会/团委等担任干部优先;
6、 优秀的商业数据分析能力, 能利用 Excel、Python、R进行数据分析、挖掘和可视化;
7、 我们提供遍布全球的工作机会,英语且小语种优异者优先获得海外工作机会。
携程集团是全球领先的一站式旅游服务供货商,旗下品牌包括 Trip.com、携程、Skyscanner及去哪儿网。携程集团于1999年创立,2003年在纳斯达克上市(NASDAQ: TCOM),2021年在香港交易所正式挂牌(HKEX: 09961)。携程集团为世界各地旅客全方位搜罗及整合旅游信息,让用户可以轻松预订旅游产品及服务,做出最精明的选择。集团品牌已构建先进成熟的交易平台,包括移动客户端、网页,以及24小时全球客户服务支持。通过携程集团丰富的产品及创新的营销策略,合作伙伴及供货商得以接触快速增长的全球用户。携程集团一直毋忘初衷,秉承「追求完美旅程,共建美好世界」的宗旨,致力为所有用户打造完美的旅行体验。
Trip.com Group is a leading global travel service provider comprising of Trip.com, Ctrip, Skyscanner, and Qunar. Across its platforms, Trip.com Group helps travellers around the world make informed and cost-effective bookings for travel products and services, and enables partners to connect their offerings with users through the aggregation of comprehensive travel-related content and resources, and an advanced transaction platform consisting of apps, websites and 24/7 customer service centers. Founded in 1999 and listed on NASDAQ in 2003 and HKEX in 2021, Trip.com Group has become one of the best-known travel groups in the world, with the mission "to pursue the perfect trip for a better world".
Trip.com Group is a leading global travel service provider comprising of Trip.com, Ctrip, Skyscanner, and Qunar. Across its platforms, Trip.com Group helps travellers around the world make informed and cost-effective bookings for travel products and services, and enables partners to connect their offerings with users through the aggregation of comprehensive travel-related content and resources, and an advanced transaction platform consisting of apps, websites and 24/7 customer service centers. Founded in 1999 and listed on NASDAQ in 2003 and HKEX in 2021, Trip.com Group has become one of the best-known travel groups in the world, with the mission "to pursue the perfect trip for a better world".
- Email:gzzp@ctrip.com
- 公司地址:汉溪大道东477号中铁诺德中心