- 公司规模:1000-5000人
- 公司性质:合资
- 公司行业:汽车
- 发布日期:2020-12-15
- 工作地点:长沙
- 招聘人数:2人
- 工作经验:2年经验
- 学历要求:本科
- 职位月薪:10-15万/年
- 职位类别:律师助理 法务主管/专员
1. 参与、协助推进重大项目谈判,规避法律风险,保护公司的合法权益;
Participates and assists in the negotiation of major projects to avoid legal risks and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Company.
2. 起草、审查和修改公司各类合同及法律文书,并协助档案室对合同等文件进行归档管理,为确保公司的合同活动依法进行提供有力保障和支持;
Drafts, reviews and modifies various contracts and legal documents of the Company, and assists the Archives Room to archive and manage the contracts and other documents to provide strong guarantee and support for legal compliance of the Company’s contractual activities.
3. 为公司经营管理活动提供法律咨询,协调外聘律师就部分法律咨询出具正式或非正式法律意见书,减少或避免出现诉讼方面的风险;
Provides legal advice for the Company's business management activities and coordinates with external lawyers to issue formal or informal legal opinions on some legal advice to reduce or avoid litigation risks.
4. 定期组织开展普法培训,避免或降低不必要的诉讼风险和经济损失;
Regularly organizes and carries out legal popularization training to avoid or reduce unnecessary litigation risks and economic losses.
5. 协调外聘律师处理部分需要通过诉讼方式解决的纠纷案件,高效的推进纠纷案件的处理;
Coordinates with external lawyers to deal with some disputes that need to be resolved through litigation, and effectively pushes the handling of such disputes.
6. 向工商局申请办理公司各项工商登记的备案、变更、注销等事务;
Requests to the Administration for Industry and Commerce for filing, alteration, cancellation and other affairs of the Company's industrial and commercial registration.
7. 协助内部专利申请人员进行专利申请及申请相关专利奖励事宜,协调外部专利代理机构推进专利申请事务;
Assists internal patent applicants in applying for patents and related awards, and coordinates external patent agencies to push patent application.
8. 完成领导交办的其他任务。
Completes other tasks assigned by leaders.
1. 法律专业本科以上学历,获得中华人民共和国法律职业资格证;
Bachlor degree or above in law, obtained a legal professional qualification certificate of the People's Republic of China.
2. 两年以上合同管理相关工作经验,具有较强的法律逻辑思维能力,很强的分析、处理、应变及解决法律问题的工作能力;
Over two years working experience in contract management, strong legal logical thinking, strong ability to analyze, handle, adapt and solve legal issues.
3. 通晓并熟练掌握汽车行业法律事务及法规,具备良好的法律谈判技巧及组织、沟通协调能力;
Familiar with and proficient in legal affairs and regulations of the automobile industry, with good legal negotiation skills and good capabilities in organization, communication and coordination.
4. 熟练的英文表达、阅读能力,良好的口头及文字表达能力;
Proficient in English expression and reading, and good at oral and written expression.
5. 能吃苦、敬业,能承受较强的工作压力。工作细致、认真、严谨,思维敏锐,工作积极主动,具有团队精神及全局观念。能适应不定期的短期出差。
Hardworking, devoted, can work under pressure; working in a meticulous, serious and rigorous manner; sharp-witted, initiative, team-working, and global thinking; adaptive to irregular short-term business trips.
广汽菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车有限公司(简称广汽菲克)成立于2010年3月9日,由广州汽车集团股份有限公司(简称广汽集团)、菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车集团(简称菲克集团)以50:50的股比共同投资建设,总投资约170亿元。公司总部位于湖南长沙***经济技术开发区,目前拥有长沙工厂和广州工厂两个整车生产基地,以及一个发动机工厂,整车总体设计产能达到32.8万辆,发动机产能达到48.8万台, 在职员工5000余人。
承广汽集团多年之成功合资合作经验,集菲亚特克莱斯勒集团百年造车精华于一身的广汽菲克,依托粤湘两省及双方股东的强势支持,主要生产菲亚特品牌、Jeep品牌产品。目前,公司已经陆续投放市场6款车型:包括专业级全驾控都市SUV 全新Jeep自由光;专业级超驾趣SUV全新Jeep 自由侠;专业级新中产家庭SUV 全新Jeep指南者;专业级全场合高端SUV全新Jeep大指挥官,以及意大利国民座驾10万级意大利大牌T家轿菲翔和致悦。
广汽菲克将秉承“知责思为 共创同享”的企业核心价值观,不断推出符合中国市场消费需求的有竞争力的新产品,并适时扩大生产规模,努力实现“以品质提升价值,构建卓越汽车企业”的企业目标。
广汽菲克官方网站: *********************/
- 公司地址:地址:span湖南省长沙经济技术开发区映霞路18号