- 公司规模:500-1000人
- 公司性质:外资(欧美)
- 公司行业:制药/生物工程
- 发布日期:2018-03-23
- 工作地点:北京-朝阳区
- 工作经验:无工作经验
- 职位类别:药品市场推广主管/专员
主要工作职责 Key Responsibilities:(概括关键职责及每项职责所要达成的结果
primary deliverables of roles)
陈列物料制作、运输与库存管理POSM Production、transportation and inventory management
amount management, to ensure that the production quantity in a reasonable
range, avoid wasting;
全部类型的物料的编码管理;POSM code management;
负责陈列物料制作过程的跟进及质量监控,确保按质按量按时完成制作工作并完成入库工作;Control the
POSM production process, to ensure the material can be delivered to warehouse
on time and smoothly;协助与物流供应商沟通物料入库等事宜;Coordinate with logistic vendor about material deliver
to warehouse;完成物料制作前期订单及后期费用结算等系统工作;Responsible for initiating the purchase
order and invoice review in system;收集汇总所有陈列物料信息(内/外审号,有效期,图片等);Collect and archive
material data (Zinc NO. expiration date, picture,etc.);
仓储及物流供应商的管理Logistic vendor management
and tracking the materials, to ensure send to hub and sales on time;监控所有入仓物料审批号及有效期,确保入仓物料符合公司合规要求;Monitoring all
of materials Zinc No. and expiration date, to ensure materials conform to the
compliance disciplines;监控各分仓库存状况,及时对不符合要求的物料进行处理;Monitoring the
storage conditions , in a timely to deal with the materials which do not
conform to the requirements;及时解决与物料制作商之间的问题;As a coordinator to communicate with production
vendor;监控物料在库,领用,销毁状况,提供相应的分析报告给到相关人员;Monitoring the
material storage , use and destroyed status, provide the analysis report to
relevant person;负责每月仓储物流费用的审核与结算工作;Responsible for checking the logistic cost and review
the invoice in the system;配合审计提供各种数据;Provide the report according to auditor’s requires ;
赢在终端销售执行手册制作Selling aids production
负责月的、季度、年度陈列手册的设计,制作及沟通工作;Responsible for
selling aids design、production and communication ;
费用管控Cost control
负责渠道营销费用每月预测上报整合及监控使用情况;Responsible for controlling the TMK
selling promotion fee;
POSM外审及异地备案事宜POSM censorship and province record
with the vendor ,provide the supporting documents according to SFDA’s requires;跟进备案进度,及时对内沟通;Tracking the ,update the timeline to internal;
for the approval documents;负责外审及异地备案费用的审核与结算工作;Responsible for checking the cost and review
the invoice ;
渠道营销部门日常行政工作(会议支持,新员工电脑、办公用品采购等);Admin support for TMK team ( meeting support ,purchase
the laptop、stationary ,etc.负责实习生招聘培训等;Intern management ;
供应商维护,信息更改等系统操作;Maintain the supplies information in the
任职条件Qualifications: (该职位任职者所需具备的成功要素/ Key success factors the job
holder should have)文化程度Education (学历/专业Diploma, Degree and Major):
- 大学本科或以上学历,市场营销、工商管理相关专业 University or above degree, major in Marketing, Business Administration
related任职经验Working Experience:
- 2年以上医药保健品或快速消费品行业实际的销售助理或市场助理工作经验more than 2years hands-on Sales or Marketing assistance experience in
Healthcare or FMCG industry专业知识/技能Professional Knowledge/Skill :
- 较好的了解零售部分的运作Good understanding of the operation in retail sectors
- 较好了解OTC销售、陈列理货等相关知识Good understanding
of OTC industry, merchandising- 对于FMCG及OTC行业渠道营销工作具备一定程度的了解 Know about trading marketing in FMCG or OTC
职能类别: 药品市场推广主管/专员
作为***在华设立的外商合资制药企业之一,中美史克早在1987年便在中国生根。20年来,中美史克一直秉承着大爱铭心的理念,用优质的产品和爱心回报社会。2008年,中美史克家族除了消费者耳熟能详的四大OTC品牌新康泰克、芬必得、百多邦、史克肠虫清外,还成功上市了全球牙医首选推荐的抗牙敏感牙膏舒适达; 新康泰克和芬必得两大品牌家族又添新成员,2008年,新康泰克红色重感装成功上市;2009年,芬必得酚咖片新头痛装的成功上市,中美史克将更好地呵护人们的健康生活。
相互信任(Trust)、开放透明(Transparent)、积极主动 (Take initiative)的“3T企业文化”如今已成为史克员工日常的工作方式,引领着员工与企业共同成长。
- Email:jenny.y.zhang@gsk.com
- 公司地址:天津市