- 公司规模:50-150人
- 公司性质:民营公司
- 公司行业:快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
- 发布日期:2012-08-31
- 工作地点:上海-杨浦区
- 招聘人数:5
- 工作经验:五年以上
- 学历要求:大专
- 职位类别:销售经理 区域销售经理
1) 执行公司营销策略并对区域市场开拓进行策划,快速有效开发和维护渠道经销商。
2) 制定本区域营销计划、分解销售目标。并对所辖区域销售团队进行销售目标的量化考核。
3) 提供市场趋势、需求变化、竞争对手和客户反馈方面的准确信息,为公司制定销售策略及营销计划提供支持。
4) 负责建立和健全所辖区域的销售管理制度,督导公司的的销售政策的落实、各项制度的贯彻执行,对所辖区域人员的政策落实情况、制度执行情况负责。
5) 对所辖区域的销售资源及费用合理分配。
6) 良好的基层工作心态,熟悉工作流程和客户网络。
7) 定期开展目标人群的培训教育及推广活动。
1) 与代理商的谈判和沟通能力强,具备独立的市场开拓能力;
2) 具备快速的学习能力,强烈的市场竞争意识,敏锐的反应能力;
3) 具有独立工作能力,勇于接受工作挑战,能够承担目标压力;
4) 具有较强的沟通、交际能力、组织协调能力及团队合作精神;乐于面对挑战;
5) 有较强的项目策划能力和谈判能力;
6) 具备较强的学习能力及团队合作精神;
7) 性格外向,强烈的事业心及挑战精神;
8) 良好的个人信誉及职业操守。
1) 执行公司营销策略并对区域市场开拓进行策划,快速有效开发和维护渠道经销商。
2) 制定本区域营销计划、分解销售目标。并对所辖区域销售团队进行销售目标的量化考核。
3) 提供市场趋势、需求变化、竞争对手和客户反馈方面的准确信息,为公司制定销售策略及营销计划提供支持。
4) 负责建立和健全所辖区域的销售管理制度,督导公司的的销售政策的落实、各项制度的贯彻执行,对所辖区域人员的政策落实情况、制度执行情况负责。
5) 对所辖区域的销售资源及费用合理分配。
6) 良好的基层工作心态,熟悉工作流程和客户网络。
7) 定期开展目标人群的培训教育及推广活动。
1) 与代理商的谈判和沟通能力强,具备独立的市场开拓能力;
2) 具备快速的学习能力,强烈的市场竞争意识,敏锐的反应能力;
3) 具有独立工作能力,勇于接受工作挑战,能够承担目标压力;
4) 具有较强的沟通、交际能力、组织协调能力及团队合作精神;乐于面对挑战;
5) 有较强的项目策划能力和谈判能力;
6) 具备较强的学习能力及团队合作精神;
7) 性格外向,强烈的事业心及挑战精神;
8) 良好的个人信誉及职业操守。
公司对产品的要求是纯净、天然、健康,秉承这一理念,我们在全世界范围里寻找相同理念的优质品牌和产品。目前,公司的合作伙伴有来自挪威的norwegian fish oil公司,美国的oleander brands international公司,以及瑞士的bio-familia公司。随着公司的发展,我们将跟更多的全球优秀品牌进行深度合作。
抱朴口号(slogan) 中文:寻至珍、给最爱 英文:pure for all
公司十分重视员工和团队的建设,提供优厚的福利待遇和广阔的职业发展空间, 期待您的加入!
company profile:
purall specializes in importing carefully selected brands with their respective products for the infant and pregnancy industries.
purall, combined with its expertise in prenatal, infant nutrition, pharmaceuticals and baby care, only imports products that are independently accredited and certified and is always determined to provide products that are internationally available and recognized as leaders in quality assurance together holding impeccable international health and safety records.
purall has searched the globe to ensure that ingredients are traceable to the "purest" air, water and soil sources available on the planet. our internationally respected brands are constantly audited to assure that the extremely high standards are kept and exceeded.
it is the philosophy of purall and its international partners to strive and continually exceed the international standards, providing "our little ones" the same products that infants across the planet enjoy.
purall, your partner in motherhood.
together honoring old time traditions and always at the forefront of modernization, our international partners are committed to providing products that are safe, highly nutritious and always made with integrity. purall has taken the responsibility to ensure that all factors from original sources through to manufacturing plants, processes, final product, shipping and storage facilities are of the highest standards. purall accepts nothing less and so should you.
allowing chinese moms “peace of mind” when choosing products specially imported by purall. purall is the name you can trust.
公司对产品的要求是纯净、天然、健康,秉承这一理念,我们在全世界范围里寻找相同理念的优质品牌和产品。目前,公司的合作伙伴有来自挪威的norwegian fish oil公司,美国的oleander brands international公司,以及瑞士的bio-familia公司。随着公司的发展,我们将跟更多的全球优秀品牌进行深度合作。
抱朴口号(slogan) 中文:寻至珍、给最爱 英文:pure for all
公司十分重视员工和团队的建设,提供优厚的福利待遇和广阔的职业发展空间, 期待您的加入!
company profile:
purall specializes in importing carefully selected brands with their respective products for the infant and pregnancy industries.
purall, combined with its expertise in prenatal, infant nutrition, pharmaceuticals and baby care, only imports products that are independently accredited and certified and is always determined to provide products that are internationally available and recognized as leaders in quality assurance together holding impeccable international health and safety records.
purall has searched the globe to ensure that ingredients are traceable to the "purest" air, water and soil sources available on the planet. our internationally respected brands are constantly audited to assure that the extremely high standards are kept and exceeded.
it is the philosophy of purall and its international partners to strive and continually exceed the international standards, providing "our little ones" the same products that infants across the planet enjoy.
purall, your partner in motherhood.
together honoring old time traditions and always at the forefront of modernization, our international partners are committed to providing products that are safe, highly nutritious and always made with integrity. purall has taken the responsibility to ensure that all factors from original sources through to manufacturing plants, processes, final product, shipping and storage facilities are of the highest standards. purall accepts nothing less and so should you.
allowing chinese moms “peace of mind” when choosing products specially imported by purall. purall is the name you can trust.
- 公司地址:上海杨浦区鞍山路5号杨浦商城22楼A-1