北京 [切换城市] 北京招聘北京采购招聘北京采购主管招聘



  • 公司规模:500-1000人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:广告


  • 发布日期:2012-11-09
  • 工作地点:北京
  • 招聘人数:1
  • 职位类别:采购主管  采购员


一、 编制各项目采购计划,保证采购物品的质量;
二、 材料购买或代用经质检部确认并书面证明之后方可办理入库;
三、 采购的原材料按时入库;
四、 尽可能办理所有采购物品的合格证;
五、 采购物品入库后将发票附入库单交给财务部;
六、 采购计划变更时,填写采购附页给仓库审核后递交财务部;
七、 及时将采购进度反馈给各相关部门;
八、 外协加工时,明确加工进度,经质检员检验合格方可入库;
九、 定期咨询材料价位,在寻找新供应商或新加工配件单位时,办理费用要有总经理审批手续;
十、 要将原材料涨价或落价信息及时向总经理反映或审批,较大的配套单位要有预先涨价书面申请,并经总经理审批;
十一、 每一种采购或外协加工产品,要提供三家以上的供应商,根据材料质量和价格由总经理决定厂家;
十二、 配合仓管部及时清查常用物品,发现量少时,及时向上级反映;
十三、 服从上级领导,积极完成上级领导交付的其他任务。









As a professional provider of air media service, AirMedia Group Inc. (Nasdaq: AMCN) has taken over 90% share of the digital air media market, and held up to the resources of traditional airport media market above all the others. The company’s air media network has covered 53 airports in such major cities as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and more than 2,100 routes of 9 airliners, including Air China, China Eastern Airlines, and China Southern Airlines.

In November 2007, AirMedia became the first NASDAQ-listed company in China’s air media industry. Since its founding in 2005, AirMedia has undergone fast growth and become the leading company in China’s air media market. Relying on its innovative media technologies and efficient operation capacity, AirMedia has initiated a nationwide network of digital air media system, including airport TV system and Digital Frame System. In its course into the traditional air media market, AirMedia highlights the combination of creativity and innovation, and has successfully optimized the traditional air media performances in such major airports as Beijing Capital International Airport, Shenzhen International Airport and Guangzhou Airport.

As the exclusive outdoor advertising contractor of SINOPEC, AirMedia is about to fully extend its service, through developing and operating outdoor advertising platforms, to SINOPEC’s 28,000 gas stations throughout the country.

Apart from business, AirMedia pays equal attention to its roles in social service. The company has been working with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to push forward the Anti HIV/AIDS Discrimination Campaign, and the World Wild Fund (WWF) in the environmental protection activities. It joined the Red Cross Society of China . And the company has been actively involved in a series of economy development related activities, including the World Economic Forum, Summer Davos Forum, APEC Forum, and the Election of CCTV 2008 China Annual Economic Figures.

AirMedia sees a future of sustainable strategy on “high-end” and “networking”, as to outline the new horizon of China’s outdoor media industry.

Website: www.airmedia.net.cn


  • 公司网站:http://www.airmedia.net.cn
  • 公司地址:北京市东城区东直门外46号天恒大厦15层
  • 邮政编码:100027
  • 联系人:hr
  • 电话:(010)84608181