北京 [切换城市] 北京招聘北京互联网/电子商务/网游招聘北京网络工程师招聘

Network engineer(RS&Security)


  • 公司规模:10000人以上
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:计算机软件


  • 发布日期:2013-11-12
  • 工作地点:沈阳
  • 招聘人数:2
  • 工作经验:三年以上
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语良好
  • 职位类别:网络工程师  



Network Engineer



-Implement network projects, deliver network service, troubleshooting for major incidents or problems.

-Working on complicated enterprise network support and troubleshooting.

-Technical orientation, operation orientation


-Network system Operation including installation, maintenance and upgrading the network system for local network locally or remotely. Handle incidents and standard requests

-Network system daily troubleshooting.

-Fulfill Customer’s other network requirement.

-Create technical documents and reports.

Competence Requirements

Hard Skills

· 3+ years of Network administration experience

· Excellent IP networking fundamentals and extensive experience in the application of IP protocols.

· Good knowledge of and experience with major internet routing protocols with major security principle, specifically with Cisco ASA platforms, ACS, Juniper IPS platforms is must

· Fortigate,TippingPoint,RSA,Bluecoat experience is preferred

· Good knowledge of and experience with major router platforms; specifically with Cisco 37xx, 38xx, 45xx, 49xx, 65xx

· Excellent network analysis fundamentals and troubleshooting skills

· Good written and verbal communication skills

· Good interpersonal and customer service skills

· In-depth in a majority of the following technologies and protocols: MPLS, OSPF, SIP, IP, TCP (internals and flow control), UDP, DNS, DHCP, , firewalls, wireless (802.11X), & IT security best practices, Proxies, Load Balancing (content switching), Nexus technologies, VSS, NAP, Internet breakout, VPN encryption systems, VPN concentrator, Authentication systems, Autonomous and controller based WLAN.

· CCNP certificate is a must , CCIE certificate is preferred,

Soft Skills

· Good communication skills, both written and verbal in English and Chinese

· Able to plan, execute technical tasks as part of a delivery team

· Is able to understand, explain and present complex technical ideas to both technical and non-technical

· Able to use a process framework, analytical tools and reporting to direct, monitor and evaluate progress and change

· Developing knowledge, experience and excellence within the specific area of client/technical knowledge

· Is flexible in the application of knowledge appreciating the variation in Projects which may give rise to alternative approaches

· Ability to structure and create technical documentation and present this to support staff and the client

· Fully mobile


源讯(Atos)是法国巴黎证交所上市公司 ,其注册地址位于巴黎,运营总部设在比利时布鲁塞尔。2004年1月,源讯(AtosOrigin)公司继收购斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)旗下的IT服务部门——斯伦贝谢神码(SchlumbergerSema)后,一举成为年收益达50多亿欧元的全球企业巨擘。
源讯(Atos)不仅是服务于全球客户的信息技术合作伙伴,同时也是奥林匹克运动的鼎力支持者。源讯(AtosOrigin)签署的奥林匹克运动赞助合同是世界体育史上***的IT合同。根据合同,源讯(Atos)是2004年雅典奥林匹克运动、2006年都灵冬奥会、2008年北京奥林匹克运动、2010年温哥华冬奥会和2012年伦敦奥林匹克运动的全球合作伙伴。届时,源讯(AtosOrigin)将以卓越服务构建奥林匹克运动的生命线,通过整合和管理庞大的奥林匹克运动IT系统,为世界各地的观众和媒体呈献精彩赛事和运动员信息。2014年,奥林匹克运动信息技术伙伴源讯与奥委会续约至2024年。在此理念的指引下,源讯将为2018年平昌冬奥会、2020年东京奥林匹克运动以及2022年和2024年的奥林匹克运动和残奥会提供系统集成、系统管理、核心托管以及关键赛事应用等服务。 [2]
源讯(Atos)在亚太区拥有愈2500名专业员工,并在中国大陆、中国香港、印度、印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚、新加坡、中国台湾和泰国分别设有办事处。源讯(Atos)在中国已经有10多年的运作经验,2012 年的年收入达 88 亿欧元,在 47 个国家拥有 76,400名员工。中国大陆的总部设在北京。源讯中国具有丰富的行业经验,以“设计、建造和运营”的模式为金融、离散制造业、化工、石化、能源等众多行业的客户提供高质量的IT解决方案


  • 公司地址:上城区采荷路41号