北京 [切换城市] 北京招聘北京客服及技术支持招聘北京售前/售后技术支持工程师招聘



  • 公司规模:50-150人
  • 公司性质:外资(欧美)
  • 公司行业:计算机软件


  • 发布日期:2022-06-30
  • 工作地点:杭州
  • 工作经验:5-7年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 语言要求:英语良好
  • 职位月薪:20-30万/年
  • 职位类别:售前/售后技术支持工程师


作为技术顾问,熟练掌握公司整体产品服务技术特点及业务发展方向,在售前阶段配合销售人员与客户方工程设计部门、电气负责人、或客户方技术经理进行技术需求沟通, 了解客户设计以及工作流程中的问题及需求,提出合理的产品及服务解决方案以提高客户工作及生产效率,帮助公司赢得更多的订单。需要具备专业的EPLAN产品及服务知识,能够挖掘及分析潜在行业客户,准确定位客户痛点并提供定制化的解决方案。具有良好的沟通技巧能建立并维护良好的客户关系。在项目(售后)实施阶段,要求具有较强的项目管理能力,有能力管理小型虚拟项目团队按时交付复杂项目,作为技术咨询项目负责人确保整个实施项目的成功。技术顾问也会参与技术相关的跨团队的支持工作,包括市场、售后技术支持等。技术顾问将接受公司产品和技术的培训,确保充分理解EPLAN产品和关键技术给客户带来的价值,并负责这些新产品和新技术的推广。
· 售前技术支持:挖掘和分析潜在行业及客户,了解客户行业及业务,能深刻理解客户去求并提供定制化的解决方案解决客户痛点;和销售一起开发并评估潜在客户;与客户工程技术部门或电气负责人进行技术沟通,结合EPLAN的产品和技术,为客户提供完整的解决方案并进行介绍和演示等;
· 项目管理:在项目的实施阶段,技术顾问会作为项目经理或技术负责人,对技术咨询服务项目的总体进度、成本和质量等进行管控,保证项目实施成功;项目内容包括软件安装,测试和问题解决及专业培训服务,领导项目团队完成客户标准化、自动化、协同设计项目的执行;
· 售后技术支持:对客户项目的实施提供实践指导及培训;
· 市场活动支持:市场活动的主题演讲,市场活动现场技术支持;
· 内部知识分享:将项目***实践,行业解决方案、成功案例进行封装和输出,为销售及售前提供案例和培训;
· 大学本科及以上学历,电气、自动化、工程设计、软件相关专业
· 5年以上电气、自动化、流体、规划等专业设计经验。跨国公司的售前技术或产品专员,良好的电气、自动化、仪表设计或工程软件(CAE/CAD)行业的背景优先。
· 项目管理经验优先。
· 能独立制定相关技术方案和计划,良好的方案讲解能力
· 优秀的人际沟通与演讲能力,能够有效地与客户管理层决策层沟通并引导销售机会
· 良好的团队协作能力,能够积极协调部门间合作
· 英文口语熟练
· 能适应大量的出差(以短差为主,50%以上频率)
我们 提供:
EPLAN 中国销售及服务中心,作为德国LOH集团的一部分,为您提供与本地及国际大型、高端客户和合作伙伴共同工作的机会,能够成为E-CAD市场领导产品--EPLAN的专家。EPLAN平台是由德国研发的电气、流体和流程行业设计软件,EPLAN是CAD行业的市场领导者,总部位于德国,分公司遍布全球50多个国家。

Eplan is a global design software platform for manufacturing and engineering companies. Headquartered in Germany, we make, sell and service our high-end Electrical CAD solutions all over the globe with our own teams.
At Eplan, you work at the cutting edge of engineering technology. Make your voice heard in the exciting environment of Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Manufacturing!
Professional services department:
"Improve the competitive position through significant productivity improvement"
EPLAN professional services provide solutions to optimize and standardize engineering processes and structures in the individual department and ensure successful implementation through professional project management.
As “consultant” you work mainly with the planning, presenting and follow up prospect presentations during acquisition phase. You analyze and immerse yourself in the prospects/customers issues to define optimal solutions based on our portfolio for the client. You act as project manager when implementing our solutions together with our professional service department. You mainly interact with sales engineers and product specialists. You will keep you updated on new features in the product and transform functions to the message of customer value. As a product specialist, you can also work in other parts of the business, such as training or support to our partners if needed.
Pre sales and post sales activities, including define product solution, customer onsite or seminar presentation, Handle specification, calculations, risk assessments individually
Prospect and customer development, coaching, analysis
Project management; ensure the quality and success of project implementation
Marketing activity support,Presentations at trade shows
Customer care support, project implementation work and training, working efficiently accroding to project management requirements
Internal knowledge sharing, like industry knowledge and success stories
Educational background: electrical engineering or process instrumentation engineering B.A. or equivalent qualification
5+ years of working experience with an international company in technical pre sales or product specialist, ideally with a strong background in the electrical and process engineering or software industry is strongly preferred
Project management experience, PMP is preferred
Proficient oral and written in Chinese and English communication skills
Strong communication, networking and interpersonal skills
Strong business acumen with ability to influence at the various levels of the organization
Strong teamworker with interfaces to regional sales and customer care departments
A positive and professional working attitude
The job involves extensive travelling
We offer:
At EPLAN Competence Centre China, a division of LOH Group, you get a chance to work with local and international big, exciting clients and partners. You become an expert on the industry's leading product in the E-CAD market, EPLAN. The EPLAN platform is German developed engineering software for the electrical, fluid and process industries. EPLAN is market leader in Electrical CAD solutions, with headquarters in Germany and subsidiaries all over the world.
We offer an exciting job with future development potential. You work together with competent and friendly colleagues all over China. EPLAN Software and Service are headquartered in Monheim, Germany where you will receive comprehensive training to prepare you for your task.


易盼软件公司, 作为工程设计软件领域的”隐形冠军”, 高效工程解决方案的领导者,自2005年进入中国市场,业务蒸蒸日上,业务范围包括一系列的设计软件解决方案,从电气、流体、自控仪表、线束到三维机柜设计; 以及工程流程标准化、模块化、自动化、集成化的咨询服务。 EPLAN公司隶属于德国家族企业LOH集团,是威图软件系统(Rittal Software System)的组成部分,成立于1984年,分公司遍布全球50多个国家及地区, EPLAN软件公司连续三年蝉联德国***雇主, 为员工提供完善的培训及发展机会,不断帮助员工挖掘自身潜力,实现个人职业发展目标。


  • 公司地址:Homebase