北京 [切换城市] 北京招聘北京化工招聘北京化工技术应用/化工工程师招聘



  • 公司规模:少于50人
  • 公司性质:民营公司
  • 公司行业:石油/化工/矿产/地质


  • 发布日期:2021-06-04
  • 工作地点:北京-顺义区
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:2年经验
  • 学历要求:本科
  • 职位月薪:1-1.5万/月
  • 职位类别:化工技术应用/化工工程师



Site Automation and Project Engineer

ROSEN集团是一家从事于为石油和天然气行业提供检测服务、完整性评价和自主生产相关产品的国际著名公司。ROSEN 在管道内检测行业的国际市场中多年雄踞前列。在30多年的时间里,ROSEN集团在世界各地提供了领先的检测方案,以确保客户更加安全的、经济的运行相关设施,为其节约成本和花费。ROSEN集团在全球100多个国家拥有员工超过2600人。 ROSEN is a famous international company with cutting edge technology, serving the oil and gas industry providing inspection, integrity, and rehabilitation products and services. ROSEN has been at the No.1 position of the global inline inspection market for many years. For more than 30 years, ROSEN has provided the industry with advanced inspections to ensure safe and economical operation of a wide range of assets and facilities. The ROSEN Group operates in more than 100 countries and employs over 2600 people.


ROSEN China has a vacancy for a maintenance engineer. This person must be able to communicate in English fluently due to the frequent communication with ROSEN Germany office. The successful candidate will be a key part of ROSEN China organization and will be given good training opportunities

工作简介Job Profile:


Local Project Engineering

2) 与客户和全球项目管理部门阐明机械,电气和软件的接口

Clarification of mechanic, electric and software interfaces with customer and global project management

3) 与全球团队一起调试和启动检测系统

Commissioning and Startup of Inspection Systems together with global team

4) 工业设备的电气安装

Electrical Installation of Industrial Equipment

5) 参与自动化的检测过程

Automation of Inspection Processes together with

6) 检测系统的连接

Connection to Plant Automation Systems

7) 处理现场验收程序

Processing of Site Acceptance Procedure

技术要求Technical Requirements:

1) 本科/硕士学历。机电工程专业/机械工程专业.

Master, Bachelor odder qualified Technician (m/w/d) Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or automation

2) 工业系统操作经验优先

First experiences with industrial systems

3) 熟悉自动化管理,特别是西门子S7/ TIA 门户网站

Knowledge in Automation Systems, in particular Siemens S7 / TIA Portal

4) S7环境的可视化(WinCC 和Windows 软件)

Visualisation for S7 environments (HMI mit WinCC für OPs und Windows)

5) 熟悉英文

Knowledge of the English language


More than 2 year related working experiences

We offer:


Enables you to participate in a challenging, continuously growing environment. Qualified candidates are offered the opportunity to become part of a dynamic, international and service-minded company offering integrity management and inspection services to many different industries worldwide.


Contact details:

1 公司名称:罗恩科技(北京)有限公司

2 公司地址:北京市顺义区林河开发区顺仁路51号



ROSEN 集团成立于1981年,是一家总部位于德国的专注于为石油天然气客户提供技术服务的跨国集团。
ROSEN集团现有员工近3000人,6个产品研发中心,在120个国家开展业务,集团下分3大业务板块:完整性管理,流量控制,以及新型材料。每个板块下细分10-15个产品线。ROSEN集团2015年销售额为4亿美金,连续12年在管道检测领域雄居世界领先地位,市场份额44%, 超过世界排名第二,三位的竞争对手的市场份额总和。与埃里克森美孚,壳牌,英国石油等著名石油公司签有长期的服务协议。


  • Email:jqu@rosen-group.com
  • 公司地址:地址:span仁和地区林河工业开发区顺仁路51号